Well, okay, 3 games into 1 may be to much. But if it's the same boss that goes back in time, she would probably kill Julius right away before he can kill her. Unless they really took the sociopath out of her in SR4, which means she might just do it right this time. But that would take the player choise away even more, because the Boss then already knows everything that will happen. I was thinking more in the lines of.. er.. Like the Star Trek movies. Because something changed at the beginning, everything changed. And perhaps Jane could give the boss a recollection about everything that had happened so the boss can read it, and still knows what's up.
Another idea I had was even harder. xD
Zinyak has sent his soldiers through time. One in WW2 1943, one in 1960's, one in 2006 and one in 2155. And the boss needs to go to every time to defeat Zinyak's people and fix whatever they ahve changed. So in WW2, you fight nazi's, in 1960's you fight gangsters/mafia, in 2006 you are back during SR1 so a lot of nostalgia, and in 2155 you get in a future setting Star Wars Coruscant style.
I just don't really like that the boss became the president. It's like.. the end game. What I really would like, besides the long story I posted earlier is SR5 continueing after SR3 when they go back to Stillwater. Just normal, non supernatural Stillwater where new gangs arrive and stir shit up. Where you get a fun gangster drama again. Volition has more then enough ideas that will make SR very different from Sleeping Dogs, GTA, Watch_Dogs. for one, the awesome customisation and RPG elements like leveling up helps with that. ^^ But I wouldn't mind if Volition took a look at Watch_Dogs and get some ideas. A vast, alive city with interesting story and a fun way to run from the police going through alley's. But we'll see what SR5 will become. All I know so far is they will probably contunue with the parodies from other games/movies, you are still the president and it will all be more futuristic. The idea of a sci-fi game is appealing, but... Again, I miss the SR2 style. The sci-fi should be a spin off instead of a new SR game. Just like Enter the Dominatrix would be a stand alone add on.
Dealing with Zinyak's soldiers in those eras? Tricky business, yet I'd be game to at least see how that would turn out in popularity and design.
I agree about The Boss becoming president. It seemed either unfitting or too soon. To me however, there was enough reasons why he had succeeded in the steps of presidency, since Ben King is considered famous on Earth as the man who gave lessons to those who read the book of his Regicide. If he was apparently going to vote for the Playa, then many other people in USA would've done the same, if they really were (and are) supportive of King. Though Keith David as the president would've been a lot more suiting. Not like he doesn't deserve it, because he does.
(Random fact: Keith David in real life actually was part of the reason why the show "Two and a half Men" exists today. He was doing a movie with Charlie Sheen and they were both in a helicopter. Sheen fell out and Keith David caught him before he could fall to his death. He is truly a man among men for sure.)
The thing about making constant gangs that want to fuck up Stilwater is that it's repetitive and would get old fast. Sure, you could make a lot more plot twists and shocking tragic moments, but in the end all you would've accomplished was saving your gang's place in Stilwater and living for an extra five years doing random crap like crime and stuff, until the next few gangs show up to wave their flags in our faces. SR2 style was epic, true. But I think their path was the best they could've chosen to due to repetitive nature. Playing with the physics in SR:TT and SR:IV makes me not want to turn back to original Saints Row because the animation back then appears more dodgy and less realistic. You probably think I am making a silly point, considering I'm calling the last two games with 'real' physics, but I mean with body shape and animations like running and suck like that.
I'm not too sure about a Saints Row V/5 yet, but I have my hopes up for more interesting gameplay to come. I'm deeply saddened to see that they've already released all their DLC in one big game pack, because that means there won't be anymore to buy. See, the thing is that people have already shared their ideas about making SR:TT and SR:IV as stand alone games before, but it won't be done. It just won't. Flippy's videos seem to state that pretty clearly. Though he isn't a worker to Volition, he seems to be accurate in ways.
Either way though, you never know what Volition does. Volition does lie a lot, but it's always a good thing when they do it.