SR3 Texture Utilities

Yes, I have a Steam version of SRTT. I need another version?

That's strange. Your linked profile only says you own 4 games and SRTT isn't one of them. So, what's the deal?
You mean if an illegal copy of the game? Yes it is. You bought the games for Xbox 360, also would be crazy to buy PC just to draw some textures on a PC that also is obsolete
Not that pirates know how to read, but don't ask for support for an illegal version then lie about it. The whole reason that mods and tools often do not work is because of just that. You end up simply wasting everyone's time.
What gets me is "Yes, I have the Steam version" then when asked if he has it on steam "What, oh, it's an illegal version".
I mean, sure he lied the first time, but.. the second time actively saying "Yes, it's illegal" is the really funny bit.

You know, if the pirates ever find a way to make the game do mods when cracked, it's going to mean an end to them all lining up to admit they didn't buy the game when a mod doesn't work:p
Worst part is he almost could have kept up the lie except he linked his steam account and we saw that he did not own the game.
What gets me is "Yes, I have the Steam version" then when asked if he has it on steam "What, oh, it's an illegal version".
I mean, sure he lied the first time, but.. the second time actively saying "Yes, it's illegal" is the really funny bit.

You know, if the pirates ever find a way to make the game do mods when cracked, it's going to mean an end to them all lining up to admit they didn't buy the game when a mod doesn't work:p
It's not actually even that hard to get it going on a pirated version (in theory). Pirates are just dumb.
Could you make it possible to use a parameter to decide where the texture will be extracted to? For me it extracts to C:\Documents and Settings\[my name]. I had the same trouble with the Gibbed tools, but Minimaul helped me make a batch file that compensated for that weird error in my computer. It worked because the Gibbed unpacker have a parameter for extraction location.
Could you make it possible to use a parameter to decide where the texture will be extracted to? For me it extracts to C:\Documents and Settings\[my name]. I had the same trouble with the Gibbed tools, but Minimaul helped me make a batch file that compensated for that weird error in my computer. It worked because the Gibbed unpacker have a parameter for extraction location.

That's weird. I'm planning on doing an update at some point (to fix the few textures that are aligned to 8 bytes - mostly the bra textures) so I'll add that feature when I do so.