SRIV Clothes Fixes

When you buy clothes, you can recolor it, right. So when you buy the Devil horns, you should have the option to recolor it.
And I'm speaking about the Devil horns, not the Devil mask.

edit: I must be missing something, but devil horns are not available for purchase
You can buy it in the Let's Pretend store, in the "hats" section.
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ok, I was going to the wrong store... thanks for that!

but I'm still doing something wrong as I'm able to purchase them but not able to color them.

probly something I've done wrong, since I've done your nude mod and clothes mod... I'll try reinstalling them both tmrw and see what I can see.

Thanks! :)
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You guys should pester Mikado to see what he's after on Steam and get him things! :p He's far, far too nice a bloke, really. And having done at least a bit of coding work myself in the past, I know it's nice to feel appreciated.

But yeah, wow, the work on this is amazing. It's always nice to see a brilliant game being perfected by modders.
Not sure if you can do anything about this cuz it's the shadows on the body, there're some dots or lines showing up on the characters body and I believe it's some shadowing gliches.View attachment 4225
See those dark area on the top of her boobs? On her collarbone as well but you probably can't tell.
View attachment 4226
Happening on male as well so I don't think it's because of the nude patch, they just showing up everywhere on the body as you turn.
I don't recall seeing this in SR3 otherwise there's no way I didn't notice it. Anyone know what the hell is going on with this?

I've noticed this as well.