SRIV Clothes Fixes

Apparently, the problem is without my mod, so that's why I put this link.
Hmm.. I'm not seeing where he said he removed all the mods and tested it again.
However, that was more of a Public Service Announcement than anything :D
Hmm.. I'm not seeing where he said he removed all the mods and tested it again.
However, that was more of a Public Service Announcement than anything :D
Ok, I've just see that Michelle911 has completly edit her post after I answered ... So my post doesn't make any sense now :confused: (Btw, I deleted it)
oops :oops: sorry about that! you must have answered so fast! yeah, I immediately thought I'd better check what I'd said for accuracy and realized I was wrong :eek: so fixed it up as soon as I could.

Would it be possible to make these pants not shiny?

are you able to cut clothes apart such as the steampunk corset? can you split it apart to where the corset is seperate?
Not at the moment, we do not have the modeling tools yet
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Guess what ? I finaly found the f****** problem !!! :cool:
I copied the references (customization_items.xtbl) of the Decker Soldier in the Decker Specialist, and it works ! I had tried everything except that before, so if I knew it would work I should have done earlier.

But to be a little more accurate, it's this line that caused the problem :
And I changed it to :

And as it has put me in a good mood, I think I will post a beta release today. ;)

View attachment 4065

I wish we could recolor this whole outfit black and then the trim whatever we want.
coloring it is just a bit of retexturing the whole thing. triming it is harder to do as in impossible with out the sdk