SRV Ideas thread.

I feel like most upgrades in the next game should be "physical" upgrades rather than a line of text you select to get a stat change. Like in the above post, a laser sight would be the accuracy upgrade, an extended clip would obviously give you more ammo per clip. For your character, fire retardant clothing would decrease fire damage, a regular bullet-proof vest would decrease firearms damage by 10%, then you'd have increasing amounts of that.

It wouldn't even need to be cosmetic (although it'd be cool for certain clothing to have these aspects, like the hazard suit being fire-resistant like in SR2), but it'd be nice if they made upgrades somewhat make sense and allowed you to actually remove them.
You get shot at all the time, having to go to a clothing store or some kind of sewer after every fight would make more people annoyed than people enjoy it. It would be one of the first things modders would disable, but I respect your opinion, I personally just think it really would be a bother.
For who ?
Vehicles get damaged & cost money for repairs, so why not clothing.

57. Character damaged.
Scars, cuts, bruise, even losing an arm or leg.
That's where image as designed will be used to it's fullest.
While a neat idea, I feel it'll be like the clothes, it'll be the first thing the mods remove because too many people will hate having to drag their mutilated Boss over to Image By Design every time he/she gets into a chaotic gun fight. Don't get me wrong, I'd think it would be an interesting concept (as I do with the clothing damage), but a lot of people would find that too annoying.

EDIT: Unless it worked like Fallout where if your character got a broken limb, he/she could take some meds (that you can access in your inventory) and be good as new again.
Maybe they could have it like in SR2 were you can apply different effects to the clothing. (From what I remember you could purchase a "clean", "no tie" and "dirty" variant of the workshirt). Maybe they could go even further by letting us edit parts of the clothing. For example the Fumigator can be edited to look like a soviet gas mask, Gimp Mask can be edited to be a balaclava, wrestling mask can be edited into a ski-mask, the Young Soldier can be edited to resemble a riot helmet etc.
Or maybe it would be the Star Wars: The Old Republic when the armor you wear is damaged over a period of time. It could work that way but I don't really agree with the idea of damaged clothing, it would look too strange to me. Though it would be an idea to possibly try out.
1. Animals
2. Swimming underwater
3. New terrain like mountains, desert
4. Living city like it was in SR2
5. New activities like bloody golf :P