STAG: Back in Action

If I kill these stag members, do they count towards challenges for killing Zin?
If not, you should totally do that.

That would be possible inside the notoriety_teleportal.xtbl
That would be nice for some people, but if you decide top do that could you make it a separate option as there are some people like myself who likes it the way it is right now.
I don't really want to remove the portal because its a simulation and the timers were setup to make the whole thing kind of horribly difficult and somewhat unfair odds. I mean I upped it to spawning 4 tanks rapidly in one of the settings.

The good news, yes, killing STAG counts towards alien kills.
I don't really want to remove the portal because its a simulation and the timers were setup to make the whole thing kind of horribly difficult and somewhat unfair odds. I mean I upped it to spawning 4 tanks rapidly in one of the settings.

True but at the end of the game portal spawns tend to replace vehicle spawns immediately so I'm seeing maybe one N-Forcer show up tops.
Though maybe if you do replace those stupid rollers with vehicles it'll balance out.
Just wondering, would it be possible to add the STAG as a gang style? Having some STAG vs Zin action happening through the city would be a nice felling of a battlefield. Also would it be possible to make it so your gang drives STAG vehicles?
I have this installed, and I'm not seeing VTOLs or Jets.

No air vehicles whatsoever.
I've noticed this too... I've seen plenty of Specters, but not a single VTOL...

EDIT: FOUND THE ISSUE! I typed VTOL wrong... <.<

Versions 3 uploaded, all fixed, massive boost in air traffic.
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@ 50percentJoe,
This is awesome! Thank you!

I want to play with this for a while and then perhaps poke around in your files and make less vehicles and more foot soldiers spawn. I just love fighting hordes of grunts but the grunts seem to dry up when vehicles are added. I dunno if it is a game engine limitation to keep the numbers of combatant AI down to ease cpu and gpu strain or what...

Anyway, do you mind if I tweak your files?
Would you or anyone else have any interest in a parallel mod that is more infantry focused?
(just tossing around ideas here, Im still learning about modding this game)