STAG: Back in Action

@ 50percentJoe,
This is awesome! Thank you!

I want to play with this for a while and then perhaps poke around in your files and make less vehicles and more foot soldiers spawn. I just love fighting hordes of grunts but the grunts seem to dry up when vehicles are added. I dunno if it is a game engine limitation to keep the numbers of combatant AI down to ease cpu and gpu strain or what...

Anyway, do you mind if I tweak your files?
Would you or anyone else have any interest in a parallel mod that is more infantry focused?
(just tossing around ideas here, Im still learning about modding this game)
Seems fine to me. Alls I did was replace the Zen and up the number of everything. Before I did the jet fix it seemed like there were about 10 or more grunts spawning at once. Now it seems to be more balanced, at least to me. You're welcome to tweak it however you like. :D
Notes or Notes++. But it's A LOT OF text in there. I have no idea what to do with it, so I leave that to the pro's. =P
Minor Issue: I noticed that when playing, some of the STAG soldiers had Zin shields instead of the regular STAG shield.
I don't know if this is just my game or other games too, but it gets kind of annoying.o_O
Minor Issue: I noticed that when playing, some of the STAG soldiers had Zin shields instead of the regular STAG shield.
I don't know if this is just my game or other games too, but it gets kind of annoying.o_O
Unfortunately it seems that the STAG weapons and shields are totally absent from the game. I can't really change that right now.
Wow, looks like someone beat me to it :O I did expect someone to create a mod to bring the STAG back but this fast :p Nice work though.