Steam workshop now supporting paid mods

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The trash bin known as Steam Greenlight/Early Access (I don't know the difference, nor do I care)

Early Access:
Gives people an opportunity to be "beta testers", by paying the game's full price to play an, most of the cases, incomplete and buggy game with the risk of the developers giving the game up.

Steam Greenlight: Democracy incarnated in Steam, that is, Devs show their games, you vote "YES-would buy if developed" or "NOT INTERESTED- at the moment, thanks", it seems very intersting as Devs write in their game's page: "dis cool generic looking post-apoc survival game will feature cool weapons and even more cool weapons, if you upvote we will add free early access DLC with moar kool wepoans and knives.." and i'm not joking, they really do it, but Greenlight is only for Indie Devs, tought it would be FUCKING LOVEABLE to see an big game like EA's "Battlefield 7-Premium Edition+Moar wepoans and mapzz" in Greenlight, so people will have the PLEASURE of Down-voting their Buggy games whose exploit gamers by selling shitty "Premium packs" that actually add 2 gamemodes/maps and 4 more weapons or tacticool attachments.

Putting those two Trash bins in a blender, results in an alternate word to: Give me your money Mr.Consumer, then go fuck yourself, we don't care.

It seems they actually listened. Wow!
I feel like postponed is a better fit than avoided.
I doubt they'd dare try this again after the massive backlash and outcry against it. It would be foolish to try it again. Even with a newer game. It just won't ever work. Hopefully they understand that now.
It would have been very hard for them to ride through the shitstorm this created without making Valve and Bethesda look like a very greedy company. Backing off from this "for now" was the best solution. I just hope that Bethesda didn't get any ideas from this experiment.
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"Whit great Shitty ideas, comes great Shitty reactions..", you Amerrican Daemons love to steal money hah.....
I doubt they'd dare try this again after the massive backlash and outcry against it. It would be foolish to try it again. Even with a newer game. It just won't ever work. Hopefully they understand that now.

"We think this made us miss the mark pretty badly, even though we believe there's a useful feature somewhere here. "

The bold part almost guarantees you'll see some form of it somewhere, someday.

Even if Steam isn't the one to implement it. The noise made by this whole issue was heard by every developer and publisher. Who knows, maybe publishers will start creating more mod friendly games, only to drop in a paid mod system.

The damage was done, whether it stayed or not. This was like a criminal (Steam) committing a bank robbery then suddenly backing out, leaving the vault open and yelling, "THE VAULT HAS BILLIONS! GUARDS ARE DOWN, TAKE WHAT YOU WANT!" Meanwhile the bank queue is full of other criminals and thieves (in our case, other publishers/companies).

In other words, Steam has opened a door. They walked through it, and then walked back out. Problem is, they forgot to close it.
"We think this made us miss the mark pretty badly, even though we believe there's a useful feature somewhere here. "

The bold part almost guarantees you'll see some form of it somewhere, someday.

Even if Steam isn't the one to implement it. The noise made by this whole issue was heard by every developer and publisher. Who knows, maybe publishers will start creating more mod friendly games, only to drop in a paid mod system.

The damage was done, whether it stayed or not. This was like a criminal (Steam) committing a bank robbery then suddenly backing out, leaving the vault open and yelling, "THE VAULT HAS BILLIONS! GUARDS ARE DOWN, TAKE WHAT YOU WANT!" Meanwhile the bank queue is full of other criminals and thieves (in our case, other publishers/companies).

In other words, Steam has opened a door. They walked through it, and then walked back out. Problem is, they forgot to close it.

That's gonna be an great story to tell to my grandsons: "The Day Steam Sold Mods"