[TEXTURE] *UPDATE* The Real Iron Saint armor MK2 and MK3

To the moderators, sorry for going off topic for so long, I didn't expect this explanation to escalate as much as it did, but here I go again. Might want to move these last two pages to a separate thread if that's possible.
@flow754 Heyo just read this. Thanks for getting back to me on my problem (again ugh) but do you know how exactly to find the "custmesh_#" and I also don't know how to really go about updating my asm_pc files. Got any advice on that as well? Sorry if I keep bugging ya but tbh I dumb as a bat when comes to computer shit (thank god that I'm going down career road where I need to learn it hahaha...ugh). As always thank you soo much for helping me out basically spoon feeding me this info.
If you typed the CustomizationItemClone command exactly as I told you to, you should have a folder called logan_Prime inside the same directory as Minimaul's tools. The files in your logan_Prime folder should look like this:

See the files called custmesh_1654297348.str2_pc and custmesh_1654297348f.str2_pc? Those contain the cloned 3d model and textures of the Iron Saint suit for males (custmesh_1654297348.str2_pc) and females (custmesh_1654297348f.str2_pc, note the f for female). So, in order to replace the textures for the male Iron Saint suit, you need to extract the custmesh_1654297348.str2_pc file. Just drag and drop the file onto ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.ExtractPackfile.exe. This will produce a new folder inside of logan_Prime, called "extracted-custmesh_1654297348.str2_pc".

Open the folder and you'll see this:

Don't worry about cm_logan_Prime.ccmesh_pc, cm_logan_Prime.gcmesh_pc or cm_logan_Prime_pc.cmorph_pc, you're only interested in the peg files (cm_logan_Prime.cpeg_pc and cm_logan_Prime.gpeg_pc), which contain the textures. I assume you have Scanti's Texture Utilities installed? Just drag and drop cm_logan_Prime.cpeg_pc onto SR3UnpackTextures.exe and you'll see three new files pop up in "extracted-custmesh_1654297348.str2_pc":

Open "cm_logan_Prime_cm_suit_ironsaint_d.tga.DDS" with and image editor that can open and save DDS images, for example paint.net.

Edit the texture. In your case, copy the Optimus Prime texture that you already created and paste it over this texture. I'll go the extra mile and make a variant with beautiful inverted colors.

Now save the image and repack the textures. Repacking textures works almost like extracting textures - drag and drop cm_logan_Prime.cpeg_pc onto SR3RepackTextures.exe. After you did that, delete the DDS files inside your extracted-custmesh_16574297348.str2_pc folder.

Okay, you're almost done. Now you need to build custmesh_16574297348.str2_pc. Open ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.BuildPackfileGUI.exe.

Let's tackle each interface element on its own
1) First off, the Source files. Either hit the "Browse..." button next to the first text field and select your "extracted-custmesh_1654297348.str2_pc" folder, or manually copy/paste the address of that folder into the text field.
2) The checkbox to the left of the "Update asm_pc file?" label. Leave it checked.
3) Surprisingly enough, the text field to the right of the aforementioned label is where the address of the associated asm_pc file goes and yet again, you have the options of either hitting the button or manually writing in the address. "What's the associated asm_pc file?", I hear you ask and I'll answer your question with an image:

4) The dropdown menu titled "Game:". Click it and select "Saints Row IV". Your Packfile Builder window should look like this now:

5) Click the "Build" button in the bottom right hand corner.
6) Oh shit, a new window popped up. Navigate to your logan_Prime folder if it didn't open up by default. Enter "custmesh_1654297348.str2_pc" as the filename and "Streamed Packfile (*.str2_pc)" as the type.

Hit "Save" and ignore any warning saying you're overwriting a file. You want to overwrite a file. You'll see a green bar fill up and finally, after a second of waiting, a message text saying "Finished!" in the bottom left hand corner of the Packfile Builder.

This is it. You can now upload all files inside your logan_Prime folder to the Steam Workshop using the Workshop Upload Tool. Don't include the files in the "stringxml" or "extracted-custmesh_1654297348.str2_pc" folders.
If you still don't see your custom textures in-game you are most definitely cursed. Proof it works:


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@flow754 Heyo! Long time no see. Sorry to bother or reappear outta the blue but I got a, hopefully, a small situation with the clone tool. When ever I go to clone the clothing item the command prompt ends up saying something along the line of saying out of memory or something like that. But when I go check my storage it turns out I have plenty amount of storage. Please do note that I am using the ThomasJepp.SaintsRow-rev121 like you suggested and I have been having this problem for a week now. And it would be great to patch this up so I can get back on track with modding! P.s I just wanted to thank you for being really REALLY patience with me. I know I am not the easiest "student" when it comes to modding because whelp I am dumb as bag of doorknobs when it comes to computers. And I know I turn this whole this forum that into a full fledge tutorial on how to retexture a item and how to upload it, even thought this whole forum is meant to be here to give feedback on how GREAT this mod is (Yes Bloodjack your mod is FREAKIN awesome! This mod what got my inspired to create my first mod and I hope I didn't disrespect you in anyway. PLEASE KEEP IT UP!). If it sound like I am sucking you guy's dicks then I guess I am because you guys gave me a brand new hobby! Granted I know that at the end of the day modding is just that MODDING. It not curing cancer and it not causing world peace. But to me it a brand new way to exercise my creativity and I now have the tool to contribute to this GREAT community. Yes I know my mods are pretty SHIT and I still have much to learn in order to earn respect in this community. That is why ever time I release a new mod I PRAY for feedback and learn how to better my mods! I'm not trying to blow smoke up you guy's ass when I say this, you guys are probably the most patience I have ever met on the internet. So to conclude this apology comment I want to say this, Thank you for giving my start on the community and I am sorry if I bugged you guys sooooo FUCKIN much to the point I can tell you guys wanted to figure out were I live and drive over and bash my skull in with a crowbar and piss on my corpse and light it on fire. So again I am very thankful for you guys giving me a new hobby for my spare time and I am sorry for turning this for forum into a god damn lesson on how to the basics of modding for Saint Row IV. Thank you and I bid you fellow gentlemen a good day. And for flow754 thank for your patience and I can't wait to fix my minor issue. Good day
I was unable to get my modded texture I made myself into the game as a different iron saint suit?


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