A well known yet still very mysterious glitch lies within Saints Row 2. It goes by the online name "The Freezer." According to many users, myself included. Believe that it can break copies of Saints Row 2. It is worth noting that it only seems to occur in the Xbox 360 version of the game from what I've heard. If you don't know, the glitch can be triggered when you escape Zombie Uprising. To do this you fall through the map (old stilwater) to enter the above ground non-zombie zone. After this the following events may occur. Over sized objects, interiors becoming invisible, and the sky becoming very bright, and of course the Freezer itself. The real mystery lies within, "What IS the Freezer?" Is it a glitched npc stuck in a wall that looks like a shadow? A bug that was never patched out? A failsafe to keep players from escaping Zombie Uprising? As it stands, we don't know. All we can figure is that it's not safe to escape Zombie Uprising because of it. Due to the rumored game breaking it can do. Overall my real question is. What is it? Here's a video that goes into some detail of it.