shitface : No, they aren't. They are the vehicles used in Heli Assaults and in the last mission - Red way.
And saying that trying to hack the DLCs into the game is illegal depends of the way you're doing it. I've always considered editing the game exe itself and its dependencies (DLLs) as illegal - like adding files - but not XTBL or ASM files. After all, these objects are already inside the game files, and seeing my homies with stuff I need to pay to have myself leaves me speechless. I'd rather pay an extra 5€ (Because I'm French) and have access to all things instead of paying them one by one. Micro-transactions are reserved to cheap F2P "games". If they didn't want us to have access to free DLCs, they should have released them as actual DLC (Downloadable Content).
The only things I would agree not to hack into the game is what I call standalone DLC - I mean things that you can't bring back to the base game. I don't own the Genkibowl DLC, but in a nutshell, everyhing independant in it is everything that you cannot use in the base map - and that nobody can use outside of a DLC map. For example, everything that you cannot do or use in the base map after you've finished the DLC is independant. If you own BFBC2, I call its Vietnam expansion a Standalone DLC.
The Coop ! An argument against this would be : "Yes, but if you play in Coop and your buddy uses a DLC item, you need to have its files" ! An argument against I'll say : "If it is in a DLC then either release it for free, make a free and reasonible way to unlock it (by reasonible I mean not something that would take hours of dedicated play or a collectible hidden in a particular corner of the map, not marked etc.), make it independant of the base game (or release for free the dependant content) or deny Coop play unless the non-shared DLC content is disabled. Or don't complain if it's hacked into the game."
And saying that trying to hack the DLCs into the game is illegal depends of the way you're doing it. I've always considered editing the game exe itself and its dependencies (DLLs) as illegal - like adding files - but not XTBL or ASM files. After all, these objects are already inside the game files, and seeing my homies with stuff I need to pay to have myself leaves me speechless. I'd rather pay an extra 5€ (Because I'm French) and have access to all things instead of paying them one by one. Micro-transactions are reserved to cheap F2P "games". If they didn't want us to have access to free DLCs, they should have released them as actual DLC (Downloadable Content).
The only things I would agree not to hack into the game is what I call standalone DLC - I mean things that you can't bring back to the base game. I don't own the Genkibowl DLC, but in a nutshell, everyhing independant in it is everything that you cannot use in the base map - and that nobody can use outside of a DLC map. For example, everything that you cannot do or use in the base map after you've finished the DLC is independant. If you own BFBC2, I call its Vietnam expansion a Standalone DLC.
The Coop ! An argument against this would be : "Yes, but if you play in Coop and your buddy uses a DLC item, you need to have its files" ! An argument against I'll say : "If it is in a DLC then either release it for free, make a free and reasonible way to unlock it (by reasonible I mean not something that would take hours of dedicated play or a collectible hidden in a particular corner of the map, not marked etc.), make it independant of the base game (or release for free the dependant content) or deny Coop play unless the non-shared DLC content is disabled. Or don't complain if it's hacked into the game."