So THQ is bankrupt... LOL.
I've been thinking recently that the Saints Row franchise needs to go big or go bust. I would really like it to continue but I don't see much point it just hobbling along, either make it a serious project or just kill it. From what I heard the enter dominatrix DLC is the basis for this new game. Chances are that will mean an even shorter story with more padding than SR3, similar gameplay mechanics and stupid gangs/characters.
Apparently GTA4 and its related expansion packs have sold over 25 million copies or something, while SR3 is around 4-5 million? Granted SR3 came out in 2011 while GTA back in 2008 but according to the wiki GTA4 sold 3.6 million copies on release day... Problem is that a lot of the GTA playerbase are likely fan boys who don't care for anything else or simply don't want to try saints row because it "looks" crap.
IMO if Saints row is to survive it needs to make a big impact, currently it's always behind GTA, never leading it. SR2 and GTA4 were released within a year of each other I think but a GTA fan boy is going to take one look at Saints Row and laugh. The character customization and gang customization/control are for me one of the biggest selling points for SR, so maybe they can improve on that. The driving mechanics are still a bit naff, the guns look,sound and react unrealistically and cars still blow up when you shoot them in the door.
Saints Row is never going to make it big while it is living under GTA's shadow... Not to mention the new GTA game incoming that could potentially eclipse SR4 completely. Unless SR4 gets a massive kick up the arse I can't see the franchise really going anywhere, and personally I want to see it gravitate back towards SR2 style gameplay not a continuation on SR3 "wacky" style.