THQ's Smoked!

Either way, it's still kinda sweet. Never knew the Saints had a brand of Malt Liquor. If I drank, and it were still available, I'd probably be all over that.

Should've poured one out for Gat, to hell with THQ...

Volition got another chance, maybe they can really pull something out of the bag with SR4 but I'm not going to get my hopes up. For $22 million you know the pressure is really going to be on them to milk every last penny, the DLC train is going to be rolling in not long after release.
All games and studios take money to run; there's always pressure to perform. But Koch has not shown a propensity for bad behavior as far as PC releases and DLC go. Dead Island appears to have two big DLC packs, not a bunch of $2 clothes. Risen 2 has a couple of sizeable ones (and one equipment pack). Looks like they go for substance when they go for anything, which i appreciate. Also none of these recent games have wacky DRM on them.
All games and studios take money to run; there's always pressure to perform. But Koch has not shown a propensity for bad behavior as far as PC releases and DLC go. Dead Island appears to have two big DLC packs, not a bunch of $2 clothes. Risen 2 has a couple of sizeable ones (and one equipment pack). Looks like they go for substance when they go for anything, which i appreciate. Also none of these recent games have wacky DRM on them.
We can only hope :)
honestly, I think this is way better than if THQ had stayed open. I guarantee if SR had stayed with THQ, SR4 would have just as much DLC as SR3 had, not to mention THQ would've continued to pressure Volition to finish the game prematurely (similar to SR3), resulting once again in a game that wouldn't live up to its potential.

As the article states, Koch is privately owned, so maybe they won't be trying to squeeze every penny out of consumers like THQ did with its DLC. Of course, it's still too soon to tell, but I really feel like this is a phoenix rising from the ashes outcome.
So, they're not public? Good, that might actually get a better game, particularly if they were able to put up the funds to bid that well for Volition. They also kept all the staff, which is nice, with something comparable in pay and benefits. I'm actually less and less worried now about how things will turn out for SR4... not having to pander to stockholders isn't a sudden benefit and it oft means less funds to throw about, but it also can mean a tighter better focus on a game instead of a marketing brand. They also really wanted this game, considering the big bid they put in.

We'll see how it goes I guess... who knows, maybe someone at Volition will say "You know what is a popular idea? Modding." then someone at Koch replies "Will it involve time and money to make modding tools?" and they'll reply "Yeah, but if we just open up some of the internal formats, provide minimal plugins and let the community make the rest, and make the game a little easier to hot-swap files, we can add support as we retool the engine, for minimal time" and then they'll get the go-ahead. I can dream, can't I? :p

They also got ahold of Metro. Hopefully it gets a good treatment too.

But is it odd that now more and more I'm asking "So who got Red Faction?" Sure it was kinda going nowhere and flying apart near the end, design-wise, but I'm still curious who'll get it and what they'll do with it... :confused:
According to that article I linked, Nobody got Red Faction. It looked like THQ was going to let it die anyways.