Alright, so now that we are able to obtain meshes/textures from Saints Row 3. Here's some screen shots.
In Blender, or in 2.63 which is the version I am using, people have said there are layers of meshes called LOD, but I am not a veteran at modeling, why would there be so many layers, when you see yourself almost all the time? It doesn't make much sense, some person recommended me to delete the unnecessary layers (low-polyed). These LOD meshes have materials linked to them, how I know? If you change the colro of a material, it's going to affect a set of meshes and also if you select the material, it selects a set of meshes because those meshes are assigned materials, don't know if this is important, but if you keep deleting the sets of meshes, it becomes low poly-ed. So yea here a picture with the original Shaundi's body.
The body works like this and only has 2 textures consisting of a upper (torso/arms) and lower (pants/shoes).
Okay, so my main problem is that these faces seem to already have some jacked up uv coordinates so when I apply the texture, it looks like this:
Vehicles are not yet readable yet in 3d format.
Here's an update of Shaundi using solid colors, now I need to re-uv map her.
In Blender, or in 2.63 which is the version I am using, people have said there are layers of meshes called LOD, but I am not a veteran at modeling, why would there be so many layers, when you see yourself almost all the time? It doesn't make much sense, some person recommended me to delete the unnecessary layers (low-polyed). These LOD meshes have materials linked to them, how I know? If you change the colro of a material, it's going to affect a set of meshes and also if you select the material, it selects a set of meshes because those meshes are assigned materials, don't know if this is important, but if you keep deleting the sets of meshes, it becomes low poly-ed. So yea here a picture with the original Shaundi's body.
The body works like this and only has 2 textures consisting of a upper (torso/arms) and lower (pants/shoes).
Okay, so my main problem is that these faces seem to already have some jacked up uv coordinates so when I apply the texture, it looks like this:
Vehicles are not yet readable yet in 3d format.
Here's an update of Shaundi using solid colors, now I need to re-uv map her.