Tyrranis' Model Thread

OK, after some clarification about legal issues that may crop up from the weapon model ideas I had in the Ask Volition! section, I'm making this thread to demonstrate my progress with the weapon models.

Now, before I make much progress in this, I'm going to put some disclaimers here for you guys, just as a forewarning.
  1. I've had no formal training in 3D model making, as such I might make some n00bish mistakes in my endeavours. I apologise in advance if I do something stupid.
  2. I have no clue how to animate in Blender. Like, not a one. I know how to make models capable of being animated, but no idea how to animate it myself.
  3. Likewise for textures.
  4. I do not actually own a copy of SRIV. Kinda silly to be making mods for a game I don't own, I know. As such, when the model is 'finished', I'll likely put it up on some file sharing site for someone to put into IV.
Right. With that out of the way, the first model I'm working on is a Bazookoid one based on Red Dwarf. There are two versions of the weapon in the show, and I plan to incorporate elements from both in the design, in order to fully aleviate any legal problems by making sure it is not a direct duplication, rather a homage.

Anyway, progress shot #1:

Main 'receiver' section. The trigger will be a button on top of the handgrip, the open section in the back is a battery pack slot, and the barrel is missing in order to maximise animation ability (the show was not shy in showing that the Mk. I Bazookoid had a long pump-action barrel)
Good luck getting these loaded into the game before the SDK is out
if the file system works any thing like the textures for weapons you will need a .Matlib_pc file to call on the actual files your using adding new things into game is always a bitch unless you replace a mesh already in game

plus without a copy of the game that will be quite hard :P

and uploads for files should be added to post as an atachment (no outside links allowed for files)

I wish you all the luck tho and will be checking back to see how your progress is going from time to time
First of all, I think you should really rethink combining both designs, because they really don't have much in common. Your result may end up looking strange...

Second, it seems like you're taking use of BMesh, which means, some of the polys consist of more than 3/4 vertices. I'd recommend avoiding this, since you're losing control over your model and I experienced some nasty shading issues with this technique.
Also, look into texturing your work ;)
However, you're doing a good job considering you're new to blender! :D
First of all, I think you should really rethink combining both designs, because they really don't have much in common. Your result may end up looking strange...

Second, it seems like you're taking use of BMesh, which means, some of the polys consist of more than 3/4 vertices. I'd recommend avoiding this, since you're losing control over your model and I experienced some nasty shading issues with this technique.
Also, look into texturing your work ;)
However, you're doing a good job considering you're new to blender! :D

Well, not new to Blender, really. I've done other models before, just haven't had any real training in its' use. Just reading online tutorials on key commands and what-not, plus several attempts at other models before.

I'll keep the BMesh thing in mind, though. Thanks for letting me know now, before I got too far in.
Progress update on the Bazookoid:

Added in the barrel and battery pack as new objects for possible animation capabilities, and slightly adjusted the top of the handle.

The battery pack's proving to be the more challenging piece so-far. I just can't seem to figure out how I want it to look. However, I do think that I might add a grooved handgrip to the underside of the barrel in order to emphasize the pump-action aspect, and to further add an unique flair to the SR version, as neither version of the weapon in the show had such a feature.
Progress update on the Bazookoid:

Added in the barrel and battery pack as new objects for possible animation capabilities, and slightly adjusted the top of the handle.

The battery pack's proving to be the more challenging piece so-far. I just can't seem to figure out how I want it to look. However, I do think that I might add a grooved handgrip to the underside of the barrel in order to emphasize the pump-action aspect, and to further add an unique flair to the SR version, as neither version of the weapon in the show had such a feature.

What formats are you able to export these out of Blender in then iv never used it :), are you able to export as CCMESH or will we need to wait for plug ins from Voliton, im guessing the latter?
More progress:

I focused on getting the battery pack at least reasonable as in the last one it was merely a box. The handle was a bit of an issue, though I figured that ergonomic moulding on the handle of something you're not going to be holding for extended periods wasn't worth it, so it's just a stick.

Also added a little extra detail to the section between the main 'receiver' and barrel.
i'm trying to leave a bit characters modelation and give a try on weapon modelations, i already got some designs ready to be modeled, like this one: