Listen everything on this website is fair use even the mod tools that you give to people is fair use because they don't have to pay for them or the mods on this site so yes I will move on and you know what I got a great idea I'm going to stick my mods on an ISO put them up for sale trademark them copyright them let me give you an example Call of Duty mods on the PC are free do not have to pay for them as soon as they put them on an ISO disc and have a website and distribution and trademark in copy right thumb because you have to pay for it also with ISO or different mods for Generation systems such as Playstation Xbox you also have to pay for it you cannot expect to ask what you are asking if you do not have to pay for the product in the first place I think you need a dictionary and look up fair use people use it all the time on YouTube adding videos from movies or TV shows to their video because it's free have a nice dayImagine that someone spent hours or days on making something. He released it as a free mod and you just change one thing and release as yours saying "I did this and I don't have to credit anyone". On this website and on Steam Workshop we respect people's work but if you don't just go release it somewhere else.