File uploaded. Enjoy.3 minets please btw is ur unlimited mech combined with the unlimited powers ? id like it to bew if its not please?
File uploaded. Enjoy.3 minets please btw is ur unlimited mech combined with the unlimited powers ? id like it to bew if its not please?
Here you go. you make it so that there are no overheats for any of the weapons? That would be swell.
ty well it work with ur mech mod tho?File uploaded. Enjoy.
They are one mod with the Better Weapons Mod file. Enjoyty well it work with ur mech mod tho?
It has unlimited time and unlimited jet flying. If you got my mech mod.yea but id like to fly the mech unlimited and have unlimited time with it
That's really odd and disappointing to hear :/. Even more unfortunately I see no way to fix it. But you could always just remove the mod for that specific mission and put it back in when you're done.Thanks for creating the mod I for one enjoy it greatly. I have found a potential conflict which in turn creates an issue while using the mod. While doing Johnny Gat's rescue mission. during the phase where you pilot the mech suit. While running the mod the player character will land on the Zin mothership and the mech suit will despawn forcing the player to go on foot. taking a lucky guess I moved your mod to another folder and the mission ran through perfectly I am running the 5% genki spawn mod & the additional cheats mod. In reference to the additional cheats mod I had activated the unlock all cheat.