Easier to take the file from disk and upload as full image. When in steam, look at top and put cursor on view, screenshots, show on disk. then copy the .jpg image to your desktop and upload to saints row mods and show as full image. I still highly recommend my sweetfxv3.
See, I copied your image and attached to post and full image:
So for that SweetFX, do I copy everything into the install folder?
yes. copy all files to exact same place you did the unlockables with the .exe file. Launch the game with the directx 9 launcher only( 10 and 11 won't work on windows 10). launch the game and see the difference immediately. Extreme difference in the colors, shading and so forth.
So for that SweetFX, do I copy everything into the install folder?
I saw your weapons file in you directory. Try replacing with these three files. All weapons at level 4 are now fully automatic, have armor piercing override, flammable rounds, and explosive tips. All weapons at friendly fire now available including all sniper rifles, all weapons in the game and the dlc sniper rifle now comes with upgrades. Police shotgun and stun gun are now duel wield and no overheat on the stun gun and puts out over 6,000 volts.Copy all three to same place your weapons.xtbl is and done.


It would change the current savegame I ghave wouldn't it?
Nope. because the current save game I gave you was started with that mod installed. Saying that, download my other mod and have fun. copy all files to main directory and done. if you don't like it, remove those files from main directory. I recommend my upgraded weapons files. All weapons at level 4 are now fully automatic, armor piercing rounds, flammable tips and explosive rounds. It also unlocks all weapons in friendly fire at the start. Klllshot rifle now has upgrades ( that's the dlc rifle) police shotguns are duel wieldable and stun guns are too with no overheat and put out 6,000 volts. It's all included in the mod.