Hey, sorry for the wait. Was trying to unpack and repack these files. I checked and it seems I do have the same version. Might be a Windows 10 problem, not sure. I'm still trying. Awhile ago I was able to get to the screen where it says that the game does autosave but then it crashed after that. Still got ways to go but I have never gotten that far before in this. Normally it crashes on the screen before that.
I just put the custmesh files and the customize item.asm_pc file inside a folder with the asm updater. Update the asm. Then move the files into the customize item folder and replace old ones. Repack with gibbed tools by dragging the folder onto gibbed saintsrowthreepackvpp.exe file and it creates customize_item_packed.vpp
Rename the file to customize_item.vpp
Then replace the one in packfiles.
Then replace the preload_rigs.vpp with the one i gave you. The it should start just fine
Just tried it, it won't work either. As for that, is that allowed? I don't want you to get in trouble.

I will say that just about all the other mods you have made such as the clothes and ports, they do work though. Just about every mod on here and this site works and not only works, but works great except anything that changes the rigs file for some reason.