SRIV Volition Update to SRIV Modding SDK!!

It's hard to say. Even if we were to arbitrarily assign a value to the completion progress, saying "99% complete" only means "sooner than when it was 20% complete".

Everyone who's working on their parts is doing so in their personal time, myself included, and a lot of our work is dependent on other people's work done in their personal time. I know there's several of us working on this, but we don't really have weekly progress meetings or anything.

That said, I'm pretty sure we're past 20% completion ;)
Only downside is the one no one can really control, that it's all their free time, and of course that being a big project involves teasing all the parts apart. SR4 uses a fair bit of stuff, not just itself but middleware too, and none of that can be released, so all those bits non-releasable have to be pulled, without breaking it. And then of course if there's a piece of the tools that relies on that, it needs to be fixed too. And so on. And then of course the fact that it all relies on their own internal repositories, and somehow I don't think they can just shove that at us as a download :P

Nothing to do but wait, and let them go at it. Plus of course we still have DLC coming out that's their day job. As well, as nice as they are we can't expect them to devote all free time to just this project, they have families and friends and stuff they want to do too.

The fact that you're saying what's going on Ellix is probably relieving a lot of frustration in itself. It's saying "Nothing yet be patient" but it's also a reminder that you're working at it, and that you haven't forgotten about us. Even a "nothing yet" status report tends to be better than no report at all. :)
It's hard to say. Even if we were to arbitrarily assign a value to the completion progress, saying "99% complete" only means "sooner than when it was 20% complete".

Everyone who's working on their parts is doing so in their personal time, myself included, and a lot of our work is dependent on other people's work done in their personal time. I know there's several of us working on this, but we don't really have weekly progress meetings or anything.

That said, I'm pretty sure we're past 20% completion ;)

Keep up the good work. Have you guys considered not sleeping? That's really wasted time there. Also, a diet of applesauce has it's draw backs but you can totally shotgun it outta those little plastic cups. No rush, or anything. Take your time, but.....relationships aren't really all that great. I bet being single is pretty fun. Think all the free time you'd guys have to do cool work harder and faster! Seriously though, it's really great what you guys are doing for us, no hurry, it's not like any of us are suggesting you guys buy illegal stimulates to keep you up for 14 days straight or anything. I mean, if you double up on 5 hour energy, that should be's not really giving a 110% or anything, but mediocre effort is cool too. Sure a true athlete would inject what ever it takes, but we don't really love us.
I say just go for the forefront of cybernetic technology, and get a computer chip implanted in your brain so you can work no matter where you are.. even when you sleep! :P

Ah well. I'm a backer on some kickstarter projects, I can accept sitting back and waiting for good stuff to come :)
I say just go for the forefront of cybernetic technology, and get a computer chip implanted in your brain so you can work no matter where you are.. even when you sleep! :p

Ah well. I'm a backer on some kickstarter projects, I can accept sitting back and waiting for good stuff to come :)
Implants! Good thinking. The implants could process information delivering it to the brain in a simpler form, increasing thoughts per second and in effect increasing each developers since of time. A 15 second break will feel like a 2 week vacation. Also every 30 minutes it'll release massive doses of Adrenochrome! We'll then dedicate a large portion of the credits to those who didn't survive giving 110%*

I hope after all this work these guys do in their spare time we do more the put ding dongs on everything. No pressure.
From hipchat just now:

Mike Wilson said:
I have SR3 loading up and looking for mod can add items and pegs currently and will add as many as you have memory