Gr8t mod mate , looking gr8t! and the guy's problem is because he needs to use the how the saint saved christmas patch to get the bug fixed .
Thanks M8!
Thanks M8!
Clothing selections during missions are part of the mission .lua files and not the .lua files for open-world gameplay. Be it on the ship or in the simulation. At least, that's what I think.not really cool. it works only if U return 2 ship from the simulation. it was possible with a sandbox teleport. it doesn't work with cutscenes, Kinzie'sGambit mission exactly: after Kinzie get kidnapped there's the cutcsene at ship and following mission (at ship too) - custom char's wearing damn spacesuit. there was the mod 4 SR3 (which I can't find anymore D: ) allowed 2 keep custom outfit just anywhere, in 1st mission, in Cyrus plastic surgery mission, anywhere. that's what has to be done for SR4. I mean, custom outfit 4 the 1st mission, for the whitehouse mission, for the 50's mission, the escape, the final one and so on. then U might wanna replace other crew spacesuits for they original outfits (not super-powered)(even from SR3 maybe)..
I'm not sure if you can because some missions make your character wear the spacesuit, so in order to fix that i would have to look at all the mission scripts and make edits there so it doesn't force you into the spacesuit.(please delete my post if this has been mentioned before) Can we use the simulation clothing in the final mission?