Wear simulation clothing while on ship

You also can't romance Shaundi with this mod. But apart from that, it works great
I can romance everyone, but I didn't download the mod; I used what Erza said on page 2 and just changed my own file because it helps me learn how things are done.

Can you romance the others? What other mods are you using, maybe there's a conflict. Did you install the correct version of this mod for what all you have?
Got the same bug as @Sunnie mentioned before, i turn back to the ship, select the mission from any DLC's and then the game transitions from the start point in the ship, it just reloads back at the same place, only as if you were in the simulation (with weapon HUD and superpowers)
And the worst thing is, with autosave enabled it affects the savefile and even removing the mod, stills the same (savegame gets glitched so, Make backups!)
I can romance everyone, but I didn't download the mod; I used what Erza said on page 2 and just changed my own file because it helps me learn how things are done.

Can you romance the others? What other mods are you using, maybe there's a conflict. Did you install the correct version of this mod for what all you have?

I also can't romance Shaundi using the files for the Christmas DLC only. Can I ask exactly what changes did you do in the sr3_city.lua file? Also, the other file, game_lib, is fine?
I also can't romance Shaundi using the files for the Christmas DLC only. Can I ask exactly what changes did you do in the sr3_city.lua file? Also, the other file, game_lib, is fine?

It's a known issue that you can't romance Shaundi with this mod and I have no idea why.

Here is what i changed:
i changed the players_naked(false) from true to false and in the sr3-city.lua i added this line: mission_apply_ship_suit_to_players()
i've also noticed i removed the following lines from game_lib.lua

-- wait until everyone is good and nekkid before we proceed
    for i, player in pairs(player_list) do
        while player_customization_is_finalized(player) == false do
but it worked without deleting that so i'm going to put that back in and test how the saints saved christmas.

EDIT: that problem still occurs so i will try and find a way to make this work again but for now i suggest uninstalling to mod for the first christmas dlc mission.
I can't find any players_naked entry in the sr3-city.lua file. Also, I wouldn't know where to add exactly the line "mission_apply_ship_suit_to_players()".

Could you help me? Also, If I did that on my file, would I have also to use your game_lib file? I only hace the Christmas DLC, no Sandbox+.


EDIT: My bad, I realized the players_naked entry is in the game_lib file.

So, if I use your game_lib file, and I found the "mission_apply_ship_suit_to_players()" in my sr3-city.lua file for some reason (it is from the Random Encounters mod), should I have my boss in the ship with her simulation clothes, without breaking the Christmas DLC?

EDIT 2: Ok, I tried and it didn't work. I think the "mission_apply_ship_suit_to_players()" line I found in my sr3-city-lua file wasn't the one you said you added...
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I don't know if it will help or not, but here are screenshots of my files showing the entries Erza is talking about. I'm using my own sr3_city (some personal Sandbox+ keybinds) but I'm using Erza's game_lib for Sandbox+ w/HtSSC. The last time I checked, I was still able to romance everyone but I can check again to see if anything changed, like maybe progressing through certain missions affects it for some reason.

[Edit] I just romanced Shaundi so still no problem for me yet.


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