Wear simulation clothing while on ship

Hey, can you do a patch for how the saint's saved christmas + Fan of saints's sandbox+? or is it the same as the patches you made?
Can I please get a line from the file that does this? I have another one in that file.

iirc in game_lib.lua
this function:
--This function should correctly apply the ship suit for any players in the player list
function mission_apply_ship_suit_to_players()
    local player_list = player_names_get_all()
    local add_to_wardrobe = false
    --Remove all clothing before we put on the correct clothes
    -- Wait until everyone is good and nekkid before we proceed
    for i, player in pairs(player_list) do
        while player_customization_is_finalized(player) == false do
    -- Put on your clothes.
    for i, player in pairs(player_list) do
        local sync_flags = SYNC_LOCAL
        if player == REMOTE_PLAYER then
            sync_flags = SYNC_REMOTE
        if character_get_gender(player) == GENDER_TYPE_MALE then
            local item_name = "cm_suit_jumpsuit01"
            local wear_option = "cm_suit_jumpsuit01.cmeshx"
            local variant = "defaultMat"
            local clear_facewear = true
            customization_item_wear(item_name, wear_option, variant, add_to_wardrobe, sync_flags, clear_facewear)
            local item_name = "cf_suit_jumpsuit02"
            local wear_option = "cm_suit_jumpsuit02.cmeshx"
            local variant = "defaultMat"
            local clear_facewear = true
            customization_item_wear(item_name, wear_option, variant, add_to_wardrobe, sync_flags, clear_facewear)
    -- Wait until everything is ready to show.
    for i, player in pairs(player_list) do
        while player_customization_is_finalized(player) == false do

becomes this:
--This function should correctly apply the ship suit for any players in the player list
function mission_apply_ship_suit_to_players()
    local player_list = player_names_get_all()
    local add_to_wardrobe = false
    --Remove all clothing before we put on the correct clothes
    -- wait until everyone is good and nekkid before we proceed
    for i, player in pairs(player_list) do
        while player_customization_is_finalized(player) == false do

and in sr3_city.lua you need to add mission_apply_ship_suit_to_players() in the function hub_loaded( )
like so:
function hub_loaded( )



    for i, trig in pairs(SR3_CITY_trigger) do
        if trig.callback == nil or trig.callback == "" then
            on_trigger( "crib_ship_trigger_cb", trig.name )
            on_trigger( trig.callback, trig.name )
        trig.hit = false
        trig.last_hit_by = nil

    trigger_enable (SR3_CITY_trigger.start_txt_adventure.name, true)
    --trigger_enable (SR3_CITY_trigger.hack_cargo.name, true)
    -- reset global vars needed for each crib ship visit  
    for i, num_talks in pairs(SR3_CITY_CRIBSHIP_num_talks) do
        SR3_CITY_CRIBSHIP_num_talks[i] = 0
    for i, sex_flag in pairs(SR3_CITY_CRIBSHIP_sex_flags) do
        SR3_CITY_CRIBSHIP_sex_flags[i] = false
Sorry for the necro, but it's directly related to the mod. I'm curious about extending its functionality -- no forced costume changes in cutscenes either. Cutscenes still force the main player back into the ship suit (unless it's not supposed to and this part of the mod isn't working for me?). Is there any way to disable that as well? I dug around in the cutscenes.vpp_pc and cutscenes_table.vpp_pc in the hopes that I could find the requisite function calls, but I had no luck.

I was kind of hoping I could play though the game without that damned ship suit ever making an appearance. So very, VERY tired of it.
Sorry for the necro, but it's directly related to the mod. I'm curious about extending its functionality -- no forced costume changes in cutscenes either. Cutscenes still force the main player back into the ship suit (unless it's not supposed to and this part of the mod isn't working for me?). Is there any way to disable that as well? I dug around in the cutscenes.vpp_pc and cutscenes_table.vpp_pc in the hopes that I could find the requisite function calls, but I had no luck.

I was kind of hoping I could play though the game without that damned ship suit ever making an appearance. So very, VERY tired of it.
I believe you would have to edit each mission script individually to remove costume changes rather than the cutscenes.

You can find the mission lua files in the sr3_city_0.vpp_pc packaged in separate m**_modal.str2_pc files.
I believe you would have to edit each mission script individually to remove costume changes rather than the cutscenes.

You can find the mission lua files in the sr3_city_0.vpp_pc packaged in separate m**_modal.str2_pc files.
I suspected I was looking in the wrong place -- and that it might be the city files. I've collected up the .lua files that appear to have the requisite function calls and commented out the appropriate lines. I'll test them out later.
After some testing, the results are somewhat inconsistent. It mostly works. But not completely. For example, the Zero Cool outro cutscene is being stubborn. For some reason, it's still forcing the player into the ship suit, and I can't figure out why. I've commented out all of the local function calls that sets up equipping the ship suit. I've even commented out the external function call that the local function uses to actually equip the suit. And it is being equipped. I confirmed that because after the outro plays, it dumps you back on the ship with the suit equipped, which I fixed by calling the customization_item_revert() function during the outro clean-up function.

I've gone over every line m06.lua with a fine-tooth comb, and I just can't find where it's jumping off to when it equips the damn ship suit. All I can figure is that one of the external function calls must also have a callout to a function that equips the ship suit buried in it. But I have no idea which. My only option, I guess, is to figure out which of the other package files have all the external lua functions. To be clear: it's not in the sr3_city.lua or the game_lib.lua files. I've already gone over those two as well.