What Will happen After SRIV?

I think Volition will produce a casual game under the Proffesor Genki name.

It will be called Prof. Genki's Super Ethical Panda-Moan-ium. Where the Prof. G tries to save the panda population from extinction by pimping out pandas.

Unfortunately hackers will re-enable the hidden Splintered Bamboo scene and Volition will be fined a billion dollars by the censors. Prof. G will commit seppuku in shame. Idolninja will then don the super hero suit he swore never to wear again and avenge his death.

Or they could just release Saints Row V.
In consideration, we could have the best of all the games in one? We could have a gang driven story focused whacky as all get out game in say... Some kind of dystopic mega city? I mean think about playing a giant open world Saints Row style game in a tiered city like from Deus Ex of Red Faction? It'd open the doors to have stark realism and easily accessible over the top madness. I mean I know we don't HAVE the rights to Red Faction anymore, but lets face it... Saints Row has never shied away from parody, so lets just all agree there is plenty of room for the Blue Sector.
If we're talking parody, they could get Jennifer Hale added to the voice cast and totally rip on the Mass Effect series. It'd be kind of fun to see what the Saints think of places like Ilum, where anything can be had for a price legally, and of course Omega, because it's Omega.

Just speaking generally, if they were to take the series into space, I keep thinking about some of the alien worlds and cities from the Justice League cartoons. They had some great variety in enivronments and aliens. They could easily mix some cyberpunk style in there too and get all "5th Element".
FUCK THAT! Fuck, we had enough crazyness in the last game and in the future one. I want a game with all the gangster elements, but with crazy stuff to do, and I'm not talking about SR3 crazy. I'm talking about SR2 crazy or even GTA:SA crazy. They also need to keep the new controls. About graphics, they can improve a little bit, but if they can't, that won't be a problem. Bring a serious, and long storyline, but with fun jokes and activities and side quests to do. That's why, for me, SR2 and GTA:SA are my favourite '' Gangster '' Sandbox games of all time. Never got to play SR1 though.

Totally agree with you! Instead of putting their time in giving superpowers they should put their time in re-enabling layered clothing, crib costumisation, enabling water/air traffic, trains that ride and why not make them usable, day and night cycle, more interiors, ...
Totally agree with you! Instead of putting their time in giving superpowers they should put their time in re-enabling layered clothing, crib costumisation, enabling water/air traffic, trains that ride and why not make them usable, day and night cycle, more interiors, ...
If you read back through some of their replies, those things were removed due to engine and console limitations, not because they "wasted their time on super-powers"

I like the "Crazy" and think it definitely sets the game apart from being "another GTA clone"
I've gotta wonder what the 'different direction' Steve Jaros mentioned was. David Bianchi in particular kept saying during the streams that they've always wanted Saints Row to be balls to the wall wacky and crazy. However Jaros mentioned in early interviews that the next Saints is going in a different direction, which I can assume doesn't just mean storyline elements but also gameplay tones. I am a little worried after that. I like the crazy. I like the OTT stuff. I mean, I also would like a well-constructed storyline too, but they don't have to go all super realistic with it to make an interesting story.

Whatever they do with the next Saints game, I want them to take as much time as possible to make it as awe-inspiring and detailed as a GTA game while being as crazy and fun as a Saints game. If I were wealthy I'd even fund it, buuuuut I'm poor as hell =P