What'll you do with Mesh Tools?

What'll you do first?

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With mesh tools, the first thing I would do is replace the peacemaker with a '03 Ford Crown Victoria cop car.
I'd try to bring in the 12 gauge from Saints row 1 and 2 and make them Dual wieldable. I like double barrel shotguns ever since I played doom 2.
...i would hope that it supports SRIV ;)
..then i would definitly retouch NPCs and other characters's meshes..
Remoddeling some clothes would also be a great thing to do :D
..i hope a said tool will become a reality soon :/
Ah ok lol
Is there still someone working on a said tool? I.ve read that the person that was working on the sdk B isnt on it anymore..

EDIT: since someone already released a small tool to export characters meshes..i guess it shouldnt be too hard to add a script to re-import them, right?
With the mesh tool, I would add more vehicles and make a Dildo van