When will it be possible to be able to use high res textures?

As I find in the display.ini I always found this line interesting.

# TextureDetailLevel toggles the use of high res textures. Currently ignored.
TextureDetailLevel = 0

even setting it to 1 does nothing due to being "Currently ignored"

the same thing with SR:TT, is it possible that soon we might get something like a free DLC that gives us high res textures or am I going too far?
It may be a simple change in focus. Something that they wanted to do way back when three was first started and it got copied into four. But now their main focus seems to be consoles so hd textures aren't really possible do to memory concerns.
It may be a simple change in focus. Something that they wanted to do way back when three was first started and it got copied into four. But now their main focus seems to be consoles so hd textures aren't really possible do to memory concerns.
I believe they will change that in the future.
It may be a simple change in focus. Something that they wanted to do way back when three was first started and it got copied into four. But now their main focus seems to be consoles so hd textures aren't really possible do to memory concerns.
Well what is wrong with giving PC what they deserve? HD textures are stuff that PC can handle, why should we suffer for what consoles are limited in.
... PC can handle, why should we suffer for what consoles are limited in.

I ask myself the same question. I am not a game developer but it seems like in order to save development time and money they develop one game and distribute it to as many systems as possible (which makes sense). For this strategy to work, the game has to play reasonably well on the weakest system that you are targeting (which is typically a console). So their art assets, game engine, etc.. are all targeted at the weakest system and if another system (PC) can handle more than that oh well.
This option actually dates back to Red Faction Armageddon in which it actually worked. The engine supports this feature, of having higher resolution textures on PC, but I probably should have deleted this line from the ini since we never had any intention of supporting it.

We don't actually have higher res textures to use in most cases, but even if we did most people would no be able to use this feature. Because the PC version of the textures are higher quality and due to the data format they're stored in, they take up between 2 and 4 times as much memory as their console counterparts and fill up most of the memory on 1Gb PC cards. If we had had higher res textures we probably would have provided this option for cards with more memory, the way we did on Red Faction.

It is true that many games support a texture quality option, but we basically decided to go with high quality all the time.
This option actually dates back to Red Faction Armageddon in which it actually worked. The engine supports this feature, of having higher resolution textures on PC, but I probably should have deleted this line from the ini since we never had any intention of supporting it.

We don't actually have higher res textures to use in most cases, but even if we did most people would no be able to use this feature. Because the PC version of the textures are higher quality and due to the data format they're stored in, they take up between 2 and 4 times as much memory as their console counterparts and fill up most of the memory on 1Gb PC cards. If we had had higher res textures we probably would have provided this option for cards with more memory, the way we did on Red Faction.

It is true that many games support a texture quality option, but we basically decided to go with high quality all the time.
Although I would find it better to have texture quality option as like next patch or something, if possible I mean.
But still my question stands, would it be possible to have High res textures for SRIV in the future?