When will it be possible to be able to use high res textures?

Although I would find it better to have texture quality option as like next patch or something, if possible I mean.
But still my question stands, would it be possible to have High res textures for SRIV in the future?
I doubt this would come from us, but I totally see mods that run with this type of idea.
If we were to go and make a community hi-res texture pack..

What kind of limitations are we talking about engine-wise?
If we were to go and make a community hi-res texture pack..

What kind of limitations are we talking about engine-wise?
As far as resolution? I don't think you'd hit engine limitations before you ran out of memory. That's really the big crux of the problem and getting you guys more memory is something I'm very interested in doing.
Is the peg file flag BM_F_HIGH_MIP related to high quality texture flag and if so how does it work?
Not at all, that is for the mip splitting that we do for textures on the consoles to try and keep the texture memory usage down. We stream the high mip for textures on the console, but don't do it on the PC since we have more memory. This is a similar, but more scaled back, feature that you see on other engines like Unreal. You can see it every time you open an ammo box in Borderlands 2 and the textures are all blech for a few seconds. Unreal goes all out and streams each mip independently I believe, but we only do the high mip.
What I meant was the memory limitation of the engine or something similar, since I don't really understand that much of the game's engine. :p
I wouldn't expect to be able to double the res of everything and it all just work. If we can ever patch the game, this should be better, but might not be exactly what you're after.
One limitation you may need to be aware of, and this is a limitation of Direct X and not the game engine, is that any texture larger than your graphics card can handle is rendered as a blank texture.

In the case of a Direct X 10 card then a texture (to be safe) shouldn't exceed 8192 pixels in either the height or width.

In the case of an older Direct X 9 card there is no standard minimum texture size however any graphics card capable of running the game should be Direct X 10 capable.

You can go beyond the 8192 limit but your texture won't be guaranteed to work on all graphics cards and you should provide a version that sticks to the 8192 limit.