Where will Saints Row go next?

The sales figures don't indicate any "Toning it down" is in order. The more whacky the series has become, the better the games have sold through. I certainly hope they put SR and SR2 in the rear view mirror and never look back, both of those games were terrible for varying reasons. The path that SRTT and SR4 have been on has been critically successful, I don't suspect there will be too much departure from that formula in the next game of the series.

To quote a Youtube commentator about this: 'Remember when Saints Row was a GTA clone? Me neither. Good riddance to that.'

Bring on the insanity, I can't wait to see what they'll do for Saints Row V.
I loved SR1/2. It was an entire game dedicated to the absolute best part of San Andreas. Honestly the only reason most people have forgotten about it is that the tech to run them is outdated and hard to come by.

Now I'm sure we don't want to see 5 versions of a game dedicated to one part of another rival game but there's no need to bash the classics. AK reload tap shooting while grinding out 30 games to buy a gold ring has some ripe nostalgia for me. 2's introduction of co-op also provided many well spent hours.
I think the reason why people liked the earlier installments in SR, GTA and some of the more recent games in the Just Cause series is that while they weren't "ultra-gritty, realism, brown and grey-a-thons" but at the same time it didn't devolve into "zombies, aliens, demons, LOL". However in recent years GTA has decided to take the "grim-dark" route while SR took the "nonsensical insanity" route.
I think the reason why people liked the earlier installments in SR, GTA and some of the more recent games in the Just Cause series is that while they weren't "ultra-gritty, realism, brown and grey-a-thons" but at the same time it didn't devolve into "zombies, aliens, demons, LOL". However in recent years GTA has decided to take the "grim-dark" route while SR took the "nonsensical insanity" route.
I dunno. V seemed pretty silly to me. I mean adult style silly (besides certain torture related parts of the game)
I dunno. V seemed pretty silly to me. I mean adult style silly (besides certain torture related parts of the game)
And the silly things you could do outside the main missions such as biking all over Los Santos in your underwear, or the two side missions where you shoot up an army of clowns and aliens in purple smog.

And c'mon, the bit during the main mission where Michael hallucinates he had been abducted by space!chimps and skydives down into the city in his underwear is exactly something I would've expected from Saints Row.
The sales figures don't indicate any "Toning it down" is in order. The more whacky the series has become, the better the games have sold through. I certainly hope they put SR and SR2 in the rear view mirror and never look back, both of those games were terrible for varying reasons. The path that SRTT and SR4 have been on has been critically successful, I don't suspect there will be too much departure from that formula in the next game of the series.

I agree, well, other than I love SR1 and SR2 as well, but I still hope it goes in the direction it has been heading. I realize they may want to try and find a balance again, which I could be ok with to a degree, but I just hope that doesn't mean rebooting the series to do so. There are better opportunities to create a balance if they feel the need.

But yeah, for me, just continue going nuts. They're the only games out there that aren't afraid to be games and tell logic to fuck off in the name of having fun. Just improving upon what they have now is the way to go I think.
With the way they've handled superpower gameplay systems in the last two games, I'd really like for Volition to actually tackle a legit superhero game. Running on saints-style humor/trope deconstruction and Cryptic games level of customization, I think they could have a really fun game. Would probably have to be a different IP....unless they do run with the God's earth retcon thing.
With the way they've handled superpower gameplay systems in the last two games, I'd really like for Volition to actually tackle a legit superhero game. Running on saints-style humor/trope deconstruction and Cryptic games level of customization, I think they could have a really fun game. Would probably have to be a different IP....unless they do run with the God's earth retcon thing.
Definitely. I was amazed by how incredible telekinesis was in the game (you could actually grab grenades and missile launchers in mid-air and throw them back at the enemy). Just improve hand combat a little (like enabling us to fight enemies while flying) and we've got ourselves a true Avengers type game.
SRV should definitely have the customisable boss as a player character, the new city, updated customisation, new characters, new gangs, new enemies.

Oh, and Dex's fate.