Where will Saints Row go next?

GTA Online as well. It seems quite limited from what I keep hearing.

Yes it is. In a game called Grand Theft Auto, we cannot own a stolen super/sport car/bike/plane/boat. :rolleyes:

Strict with the "No fun allowed" rule, empty promises, and inflated price because they're selling money. When you're trying so hard to grind money legitimately, once Rockstar know it, they will hotfix the game to 'take down' your money grinding method. :D

And what's more funny is that they can hotfix a money making glitch within 1 to 24 hours, but can't fix a bug that's ruining player's money for months. :D
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Yes it is. In a game called Grand Theft Auto, we cannot own a stolen super/sport car/bike/plane/boat. :rolleyes:

Strict with the "No fun allowed" rule, empty promises, and inflated price because they're selling money. When you're trying so hard to grind money legitimately, once Rockstar know it, they will hotfix the game to 'take down' your money grinding method. :D

And what's more funny is that they can hotfix a money making glitch within 1 to 24 hours, but can't fix a bug that's ruining player's money for months. :D

Huh. As someone who has never played a GTA game (I'm a female gamer who prefers playing female characters, it's just a preference nothing more, so anyone reading this who gets ready to unleash a socio-politico comment on me needn't bother), I was starting to get slightly intrigued now that GTA V online was coming to the PC and would finally allow us to create female characters. Yet, after reading this, I'm not so sure now because even besides the money thing, GTA has always seemed so serious, and to be honest, I'm having a hard time envisioning myself playing the game and not end up being a bit bummed that it isn't as much of a fun time as Saints Row is.

So yeah, I think I'll just wait it out and see how GTA online develops for the PC, the last thing I need is something that makes me pine for Saints Row 5 even more than Gat out of Hell has. :(
Huh. As someone who has never played a GTA game (I'm a female gamer who prefers playing female characters, it's just a preference nothing more, so anyone reading this who gets ready to unleash a socio-politico comment on me needn't bother), I was starting to get slightly intrigued now that GTA V online was coming to the PC and would finally allow us to create female characters. Yet, after reading this, I'm not so sure now because even besides the money thing, GTA has always seemed so serious, and to be honest, I'm having a hard time envisioning myself playing the game and not end up being a bit bummed that it isn't as much of a fun time as Saints Row is.

So yeah, I think I'll just wait it out and see how GTA online develops for the PC, the last thing I need is something that makes me pine for Saints Row 5 even more than Gat out of Hell has. :(

Well. To put it in comparison, GTA has better graphic, vehicle physics, shooting mechanic, and environmental design. That's what I can guarantee you. You might be awed in the first few hours, but I wouldn't be so sure after you meet the terminator-tier enemies in GTA Online. In terms of fun factor, I'd give Saints Row a quadrupled thumbs up.

Also, GTA Online character doesn't have voice, because Rockstar's hipster idea is to make you as your character. So when you speak over mic, your character mouth would mumbled. But still, you're pretty much a mute chump. That's why I really like the way Saints Row treat custom character. Like I said, instead of just making a lifeless custom protagonist like other games did, they made our's 'alive'.

Rockstar's hipster ideas for GTAV/Online are great on paper, yet killing the effectiveness of a feature. Seriously, I hope Volition/DS don't go Rockstar's way and keep realism level at SR3, If SRV is going to go back to realism.

Please don't screw SRV, Volition! :D
I'll buy first copy of SRV and I'll give you and your game more f*cks than I do to Rockstar and GTA Online. :D
Is possible, if they say 'meanwhile, in another dimension where the Zin empire never existed'. We will have the same characters we know and all SR4 things can be easily ignored.
well, not completely ignored, johnny will have never "died", snd the saints would still be in the white house. so i dunno what they would do with the game if they did do that...
How about take over the planet? That could be done over the course of several expansions; say, one continent per expansion?
we already have an entire intergalactic empire. thats a bit of a step-down if you ask me. maybe time travel to change history for the betterment of the saints or taking over the new planet full of barbarians.
Its nice to see people who appreciate Saints Row 3 more than its predecssors every once in a while. I was starting to feel like I am the only one standing on the I luv SR3 platform. Frankly, I found Gat Outta Hell to be bland. Now I know it was just a DLC; standalone or otherwise but I had high expectations from Volition on a standalone DLC and reckoned they should take a cue from GTA on how to make DLCs (EFLC). As for SRV, there are some rumors making rounds on Steam that Volition is done with the Saints. With the departure of their Creative Director and how GooH ended, gaming news portals have all the more reason to spread this rumor as much as they can. Of course, we cant say until Volition makes an official announcement but personally, I was just starting to warm up to this series and was looking forward for them to clean up their act, rebalance things and pray to God that He retcons the entire SR4 and its dev files from Volition computers along with erasing gamers' memories related to the game across the globe.
Seriously though, apart from the better quality characters, I did not like it one bit, tbh. The storyline and the simulation env lighting sucked the most, IMO. I just want them to go back to SR3 and let the Saints be the good ol' over-the-top funny gang cultured icons. Some people may differ with me on this, but I honestly used to enjoy the moments where we received praise, admiration and love from our fans (as a Saint) randomly throughout the missions and in open world roaming sessions. Also, they need to do something about the horrible vehicle physics. I get it some people saying GTA is more focused on vehicles and SR is more focused on characters, but if Volition could improve it or maybe even change the engine, the next SR may as well just blow GTA V and VI out the water.
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Yeah. Competitors usually brings up typical real world gangs like chinese mafia, russian mafia, italian mafia, the low life gangsters etc.

Gangs in Saints Row 3? Wrestler, geek, and over the top high life mafia. Now that's different! XD

My view about Saints Row is that the series is daring in making weird stuff.

Look at IV. Is there any sci fi game and movie that use visual effects that usually appear as the result of broken system and programming bugs? Lol. Never seen anyone dared to do that so far. Others always make cool VFX when it comes to computers.
Yeah. Competitors usually brings up typical real world gangs like chinese mafia, russian mafia, italian mafia, the low life gangsters etc.

Gangs in Saints Row 3? Wrestler, geek, and over the top high life mafia. Now that's different! XD

My view about Saints Row is that the series is daring in making weird stuff.

Look at IV. Is there any sci fi game and movie that use visual effects that usually appear as the result of broken system and programming bugs? Lol. Never seen anyone dared to do that so far. Others always make cool VFX when it comes to computers.
i think it would be really cool if they had a bunch of gangs that are new and different on the barbarian world gat was gonna take. along with maybe the revival of some SR:TT gangs due to pop culture or something. also we can be fighting vikings and other things, plus because of time travel maybe gat and the boss can go back and time and help atilla the hun and kill nazis or something. i really wanna see saints row stay over the top and different, but i want a bit closer to SR:TT
Look at IV. Is there any sci fi game and movie that use visual effects that usually appear as the result of broken system and programming bugs? Lol. Never seen anyone dared to do that so far. Others always make cool VFX when it comes to computers.
Well Arkham Asylum did this:
