Will Saints Row V be better than GTA V ?

As much as I love Saints row, no.

Of corse it's a no if you dare comparing what's not comparable.

Also a bit of unrelated : Graphic aside, I felt the same "things" while playing GTAV as I felt in SR2.
As much as I love Saints row, no.

Of corse it's a no if you dare comparing what's not comparable.

Also a bit of unrelated : Graphic aside, I felt the same "things" while playing GTAV as I felt in SR2.

That's a good thing. No, wait, that's a GREAT thing.
Lets not take a game from the same genre but designed with totally different focus to compare. Is like comparing Mario Kart to rFactor when comparing SR to GTA.

I remember Volition said SRIV is the end of the series, we probably wont see a SRV too. But if there is one, I'll probably prefer it more than GTA, I hate the idea of losing your beautiful car after it gets blown up or losing all weapon when you die or busted in GTA games.

I'm quite bias with this genre, I prefer all other open-world games (Just Cause 2 or Sleeping Dogs or Saints Row) more than GTA even though everyone said GTA is the king of open world games.
Lets not take a game from the same genre but designed with totally different focus to compare. Is like comparing Mario Kart to rFactor when comparing SR to GTA.

I remember Volition said SRIV is the end of the series, we probably wont see a SRV too. But if there is one, I'll probably prefer it more than GTA, I hate the idea of losing your beautiful car after it gets blown up or losing all weapon when you die or busted in GTA games.

I'm quite bias with this genre, I prefer all other open-world games (Just Cause 2 or Sleeping Dogs or Saints Row) more than GTA even though everyone said GTA is the king of open world games.
yes i agree that with you that gta v sucks
yes i agree that with you that gta v sucks

I wouldnt say it sucks since I havent play the game (I never own a console in my life) and the term "sucks" is better suit for broken games or unfinished games pushed out to scam peoples money.

In general GTA games just dont work with me or suit my play style. Is the tiny little things that I mention on my previous post kinda breaks the fun for me.
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Guys guys! lol!
Am I the only one here having enough ballz to proudly say I loved GTAV story and love having fun in the open world?
The trio Michael/Trevor/Franklin works so well, and is so full of fun and wtf moments!

And in the end, after the main story finished... well... GTAV manage to fulfill my expectation... where SRIV failed me.

Also... GTAV made me say "Why the fuck do I need a next gen console when I can have those graphics!"
Look :
(Epic car chase)

So in IF i dare comparing GTAV and SRIV : (because at some points we need to stop trying to found excuses... they're both in the same category, deal with it!)

Graphics : GTAV win... I'm not even sure it's a fair fight!
Story : I'd call a draw on this one! both managed to make me laugh, makes me angry/sad/etc...
Fun : Ok SRIV because of those WTF ideas but seriously, it's a short term fun.

What's make me stay and still have SRIV installed is the mods (and don't lie to yourself, most of you are here for the same reason)

If I had to resume with a fun idea :
GTA4 was hardly swimming in the ocean while SRTT was laughing on his SR4 inflatable boat, then came the GTAV yacht... But SR4 kept not giving a shit while drinking his cocktail.