Will Saints Row V be better than GTA V ?

then came the GTAV yacht... But SR4 kept not giving a shit while drinking his cocktail.

I like to think that SR4 use its Abduction Gun and took himself away while GTAV yacht came.

SR4 dont stand a chance with GTAV, I havent played it but the scale of that city, graphics and all the tiny detail, it surely squash SR4.

GTA=for real gameplay and stick to you can die from like in reality

SR=Murder Time Fun Time

The bit on reality is what destroy the game for me, I know if I blow up my real car I cant just walk back to my house and get a new one or when I got busted I get to walk out with like 8 of my weapons. I always find that destroy the fun of the game, if I lost those stuff, I have to find them again or buy them before I can start my mayhem and I need to hijack back a car, customize it again and hope I dont wreck it.

And the reason I enjoy SR is like what you mention, Murder Time Fun Time! Thats all I do in an open world game.
It's not a particularly fair comparison for a few reasons (the comparison between GTA5 and SRIV).
The first is the budgets of the games - GTA5 is depending on which source you take either the most expensive game ever made or the second most expensive video game ever made (Star Wars: The Old Republic being the first). cite 1 cite 2
Volition initially began development of Saints Row IV under the cloud of THQ's impending bankruptcy.

The second reason is that they're just not directly comparable. Saints Row 2 and Saints Row: The Third were reasonably comparable to Grand Theft Auto games - they existed within the same genre of third person crime sandbox game. Saints Row IV is not in that genre. You might as well be comparing Max Payne 3 to the Force Unleashed - limited aesthetic and technical similarities, but not similar or comparable games. Arguably you could compare SRIV to Prototype, Crackdown and inFamous - superpower sandbox games.

You might think that the difference between a crime sandbox and a superpower sandbox game is nitpicking, but Id argue that it changes the entire way that you interact with the world and other agents within the game itself to such an extent that they are really a separate kind of game. To suggest that they are one and the same is to suggest that the defining feature of these games is the setting (the sandbox aspect), and how you play the actual game is not important - I would vehemently disagree.
Well after completing a 2 week Live Gold run (It came with Halo 4 and I never used it, until 2 weeks ago).
GTA V and GTA Online are pretty much fun as hell.

GTA V still has some quirks...
Like the super aim bot AI's who is able to shoot you in the head through a wall and a car (even worse in GTA online).
Decent weapons do not unlocking until near the end of the game (and the rehash of the AK and M4)...
Issue's with Rockstar's Cloud server loosing GTA online user profiles (teething issues they will probably fix in a month or 2)
Issue's with Vehicles disappearing from the Garage (lost a couple of expensive rides this way).
Stupid Passive mode still gets you killed in GTA online (I can't shoot you but you can run me over, thanks alot).
GTA Online I have Zero cash on me and 50k in my account, but when I die I still drop a minimum of $1500, huh???
Stupid car issue stuff... I can take a unmodified car, drive it down a mountain and not blow it up. But If I take the same kind of car and get it stuck on a simple item (basicly where it wont move) then it will blow up in under 2 minutes... Had this happen a couple of times in GTA Online (once with a big rig, and then with a mustang in different areas of the map).
Oh the super Aim Bot AI that is able to shot me in the head from a helicopter, bike, car, truck, or you name it while I'm zig zagging down the road to avoid being shot?
Or the I'ld like to throw a grenade from the car, but instead it just drop's to the side of the vehicle (sometimes it will throw where you are aiming sometimes not)...
The lame ass... hold A to jog, spam A to run fast.... (should have died with the old game).
The quirky Aim assist... Yes I want to aim at the chest of the guy 25 meters away hiding behind a wall instead of the guy 3 meters away standing in front of me with a shotgun, that I was actually shooting at before holding LT???

All in all I will say that for an old ass system like the 360 that Rockstar made a beautiful game, I hope they do a good pc version....

But I'll take the better AI and better fight capabilities of SR 4 all damn day long!!!

And there is no GTA OFFLINE to allow people that don't have a Live Gold account to access the extra content but as a single player (you can go solo or Invite Only {and invite no one} online but you still have to have Live Gold for the Xbox)... I refuse to pay for online service other then my ISP, it just doesn't make sense!
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GTA RULES! sorry just dont kill me please i like saints row but gta is greatest.

Well after completing a 2 week Live Gold run (It came with Halo 4 and I never used it, until 2 weeks ago).
GTA V and GTA Online are pretty much fun as hell.

GTA V still has some quirks...
Like the super aim bot AI's who is able to shoot you in the head through a wall and a car (even worse in GTA online).
Decent weapons do not unlocking until near the end of the game (and the rehash of the AK and M4)...
Issue's with Rockstar's Cloud server loosing GTA online user profiles (teething issues they will probably fix in a month or 2)
Issue's with Vehicles disappearing from the Garage (lost a couple of expensive rides this way).
Stupid Passive mode still gets you killed in GTA online (I can't shoot you but you can run me over, thanks alot).
GTA Online I have Zero cash on me and 50k in my account, but when I die I still drop a minimum of $1500, huh???
Stupid car issue stuff... I can take a unmodified car, drive it down a mountain and not blow it up. But If I take the same kind of car and get it stuck on a simple item (basicly where it wont move) then it will blow up in under 2 minutes... Had this happen a couple of times in GTA Online (once with a big rig, and then with a mustang in different areas of the map).
Oh the super Aim Bot AI that is able to shot me in the head from a helicopter, bike, car, truck, or you name it while I'm zig zagging down the road to avoid being shot?
Or the I'ld like to throw a grenade from the car, but instead it just drop's to the side of the vehicle (sometimes it will throw where you are aiming sometimes not)...
The lame ass... hold A to jog, spam A to run fast.... (should have died with the old game).
The quirky Aim assist... Yes I want to aim at the chest of the guy 25 meters away hiding behind a wall instead of the guy 3 meters away standing in front of me with a shotgun, that I was actually shooting at before holding LT???

All in all I will say that for an old ass system like the 360 that Rockstar made a beautiful game, I hope they do a good pc version....

But I'll take the better AI and better fight capabilities of SR 4 all damn day long!!!

And there is no GTA OFFLINE to allow people that don't have a Live Gold account to access the extra content but as a single player (you can go solo or Invite Only {and invite no one} online but you still have to have Live Gold for the Xbox)... I refuse to pay for online service other then my ISP, it just doesn't make sense!
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Honestly. I hate how some people are too loved up with Saints Row to give GTA a chance and vice versa. SRIV and GTAV are both fantastic games in my opinion. Preferring one over the other is perfectly fine but I just can't stand that people constantly parade all over the place screaming at the top of their lungs that one is better than the other. I mean for a start the two of them are not even that comparable like they were previously since the whole super power thing really does change up the game quite a bit if you ask me.
The super power thing actually save the game actually, it gives the old Steelport a new experience and lesser reason for GTA fanboys to compare to it or call it a clone. I'm still waiting for GTA V to come to PC but if it dont (which not likely to happen), I'll be fine with SRIV until maybe Sleeping Dogs 2 come or Avalanche Studios's new Mad Max game comes.
I hate the idea of losing your beautiful car after it gets blown up or losing all weapon when you die or busted in GTA games.

- If you lose your car, or if it get's destroyed, you can retreive it at an impound lot for a small fee
- When you die, you don't lose any weapons or ammo at all, only a small amount of money