WIP Weapon retexture project

dumb question time: what's the container for weapon skins? Is it customize items or something else? Since I've been modding clothes for days I might as well give weaps a try :) Thank you in advance.
its Customize_item.asm_pc
The Customize_item.asm_pc I got by unpacking customize_item.vpp_pc (the same I use to modify textures) has no line referring to weapons... maybe I'm looking in the wrong place o_O
That gold and purple Deagle looks badass. Keep it up, I'd definitely download these when you're done.


I think the Onyx Deagle would look good with black/purple and black/gold schemes
dumb question time: what's the container for weapon skins? Is it customize items or something else? Since I've been modding clothes for days I might as well give weaps a try :) Thank you in advance.

items.vpp_pc is the pack file you are looking for.
Each weapon skin has a separate str2.
Yep, found'em, thanks - now, I gotta understand if I have to modify the specular maps as well as diffuse/bump maps. Oh, and how to repack (unless they follow the same route as clothes).
Yep, found'em, thanks - now, I gotta understand if I have to modify the specular maps as well as diffuse/bump maps. Oh, and how to repack (unless they follow the same route as clothes).
1. Texture change to the D.tga.dds.
2. All DDS files repack the same way: weapons, vehicles, npc's, cloth's, etc...
But the ASM file that you point to when repacking the str2_pc will depend on the item you are repacking.

In Other Words:
Clothing sets that come from the customize_items.vpp_pc point to the customize_items.asm_pc (so update that asm when you pack a clothing str2)
Weapons str2_pc's come from the items.vpp_pc and there reference point is the either items_containers.asm_pc or the main_streaming_weapons.asm_pc (both list the different weapons if you open them in note pad, but its a jumbled mess).

You might be able to get away without updating the asm file when you repack the str2_pc...
But it's best to update it, just to be on the safe side.

Me, I copied both of the asm_pc files from the items.vpp_pc to my root directory and run the stream2update tool which updates all asm's in the root folder of SR4 (Minimaul's a freak'n Genius).
1. Texture change to the D.tga.dds.
2. All DDS files repack the same way: weapons, vehicles, npc's, cloth's, etc...
But the ASM file that you point to when repacking the str2_pc will depend on the item you are repacking.

In Other Words:
Clothing sets that come from the customize_items.vpp_pc point to the customize_items.asm_pc (so update that asm when you pack a clothing str2)
Weapons str2_pc's come from the items.vpp_pc and there reference point is the either items_containers.asm_pc or the main_streaming_weapons.asm_pc (both list the different weapons if you open them in note pad, but its a jumbled mess).

You might be able to get away without updating the asm file when you repack the str2_pc...
But it's best to update it, just to be on the safe side.

Me, I copied both of the asm_pc files from the items.vpp_pc to my root directory and run the stream2update tool which updates all asm's in the root folder of SR4 (Minimaul's a freak'n Genius).
I dont have either of those in my main folder think weapons are also under customize_items.asm_pc thats the only asm in my root folder
Thanks again Bring The Noise, I'll give it a shot today :)

Edit&Update: your method works, copied both .asm in SRIV root folder and ran Minimaul's update, worked like a charm.
Modified the Desert Eagle to look like a custom one I found on the web (yeah, looks a lot like the one zac's doing, a lucky coincidence :D). The default Mateba revolver was cool, just added some details on the handle.
They look much better in game, you can see them here: http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/5017/1vw8.jpg


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@zac Do you have a "probleme" with the default texture of the big handgun?
I was playing around with the textures and ...
The results looks nice for the golden one :

BUT, look at the default one, it's really darker than the texture :

And this is my bump map :
Bloodjack, did you try tweaking the specular map as well, the one with the _s_ in its name? I haven't tried it myself but in other 3d programs I use, speculars are quite influential on the final result (but I can preview meshes/textures in real time, whereas with SRIV is a trial&error routine)