You're confusing the living hell out of me here. What xtbl files do you have in your SRTT directory now?I did read the instructions but I'll try Bigmacontrack's suggestion. I forgot to tell you that I'm using the unethical build.
(EDIT 2)
I reinstalled the mod sans(without) the dlc xtbl files and still didn't work
(EDIT 3)
Right, your gonna love this, basically I reverted to the old version of the mod (v1) and SRTT started working again (not much of a surprise) but then for some reason I have all the new gang members from the most recent update even though the files are goneWhAt ThE?
Change all relevant character_definitions.xtbl entries to use PEDM.xtbl and PEDF.xtbl animation sets. Then append the <anim_set> to each relevant character entry in character.xtbl and assign either GANG.xtbl or GANGF.xtbl sets. This is how civilian characters are made to carry bigger guns, or, in fact, even work as gang members. The downside is that characters will try to close the distance in what appears to be a melee combat stance before actually taking out the weapon - it looks weird and overall is a solution of questionable quality, but it should work.What can be done,so theywalked the streetswithout a weapon, and whentaken outof hisdanger?