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  1. dimmidice

    does anyone know where the savegames get saved to?
  2. dimmidice

    Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch for SRIV breaks weapons

    my buddy just returned home after a vacation and we were gonna play SR4 coop together today :/ this patch couldn't have come at a worse time for me personally
  3. dimmidice

    SPOILERS Least favorite thing in the game?

    not being able to undo power upgrades/turn powers off entirely. i want to be able to toggle the tornado from superspeed for example. and sometimes turn em off entirely when i feel like driving around and stuff
  4. dimmidice

    Saints Row IV Latest Steam patch for SRIV breaks weapons

    this is the 633mb update? drat it started automatically don't think i can stop it now
  5. dimmidice

    SPOILERS Zimos *spoilers*

    there's a camera option in the menu, might be what you mean?
  6. dimmidice

    SR IV Vehicle Showroom

    monster truck - gravedigger?
  7. dimmidice

    SR IV Vehicle Showroom

    i got that one already, hmm thats a bummer. guess i'l try that cheat then. thanks edit: you can save the cars from the 1950's when you're in the mission to save kinzie. now i wish you could return there
  8. dimmidice

    SR IV Vehicle Showroom

    vipes the 5th from the bottom, black gray mobster looking one. any idea where there's a good spot to find one of those? and here are my cars. ps: does anyone know if its possible to embed an imgur album on this forum? if so how?
  9. dimmidice

    looking for stillwater map with icons

    hi, i'm looking for a map of stillwater from SR2 with icons on it (and possibly names of locations) google is utterly failing me at this and i can't search this site for "map" because its only 3 letters. if anyone has a big map image of SR2's map that you think will help please post it here...
  10. dimmidice

    Co-op still possible?

    that is just for using a VPN for buying items. steam does not care if you use a vpn to fake a lan. no matter what it says in the TOS. there's plenty of threads about hamachi (which is a vpn of sorts) on the steam forums. if it wasn't allowed a mod would've said so, or deleted the thread. and...
  11. dimmidice

    promo poster looks

    why does the promo poster look like this? the characters don't look anything like they did in SR3 nor in SR4. why was this done in this way do you guys know? (also the guy standing up with leather jacket is that miller? and asha next to him?)
  12. dimmidice

    Which file alters the height of the sky dome?

    its such a shame we didn't get to blow that up, or at least turn it blue :(
  13. dimmidice

    SR4 Cool Tips/Tricks

    you can TK cars and jump all over the map with em. its useful in some steal that car mission. get in car, note location on map, get out, TK it, jump to location safely, then drop the car by switching powers, get in and deliver.
  14. dimmidice

    A voice log plays back immediately on each save load?

    exact same issue, kinzie's log every time. good to hear they're aware of it and working on it :D