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  1. XxToXiiC

    New Clothing for Sale - Nyteblade, Cyrus, Parachute, etc

    i use the "porno and murder" mod but, i dont need it, i delete this mod now and put this mod here :D edit : i use the clean mod files from this mod with all suits , but i can i see all suits execpt the cyrus suit-.- edit 2 : i found the armor xD it has a other name in the shop-.-", but how i...
  2. XxToXiiC

    New Clothing for Sale - Nyteblade, Cyrus, Parachute, etc

    ok , and how i can put both customiization_items togheter?
  3. XxToXiiC

    New Clothing for Sale - Nyteblade, Cyrus, Parachute, etc

    novurzif can u fix the headless bug :P?
  4. XxToXiiC

    Change color of stag elite suit

    i wanna know this too :D
  5. XxToXiiC

    New Clothing for Sale - Nyteblade, Cyrus, Parachute, etc

    I Cant see the heads then when i use on of this Suits :S. Head is invisible then xD Edit : Ok its only with the Cyrus Armor (my Favourite armor in this pack :( xD)
  6. XxToXiiC

    Gang Plus One (Saints Heroes Gang)

    Îts normal that my Friends dont see my saints then? (i use stag soldiers)
  7. XxToXiiC

    Question about Modding :D

    ok , and whats with coop then ? can i still playing with my friends coop :P?
  8. XxToXiiC

    Question about Modding :D

    Hey, when u Mod ur SR3 is it still possible then to get Archievments ? or its like Cheating, i mean that u get no archievements then anymore and autosave is disabled.?