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  1. Medic

    NPC behaviour and spawn mod

    This is a great mod, I just have one slight problem. The Three Count stronghold seems to have reset itself, which isn't really a problem except for when I access the helipad from the Crib menu. Sometimes I just get a message saying that something is in the way, other times, my vehicle just...
  2. Medic

    GTA V new screens

    That's pretty bad, actually. Where are all the trees?
  3. Medic

    Comments in XTBL files

    Thanks. So I assume it is <!-- commenting? -->
  4. Medic

    Comments in XTBL files

    Hello, everyone. I have a quick question. I like to leave comments in files to show what I've done. I assume that commenting XTBL files is the same as commenting in XML files, but I wanted to check before I go and do something silly. <!-- A comment should be like this, correct? --> Oh god...
  5. Medic

    Is the protagonist superhuman in the whole series? (SPOILERS)

    I'd destroy a fricking multiverse! LEGO, Volition, do it! Maybe the gravity on Saint Row's Earth is generally weaker than it is in reality? Combined with other things such as a thicker/thinner atmosphere (seeing how everything can explode) and more friction (driving into bikes makes them...
  6. Medic

    This whole SR4 vs. GTA V thing is getting out of hand

    True True. Admittedly, I'm less hyped about GTA, because I've never gotten into any of the GTA games. Then again, I'm more just a crappy player...
  7. Medic

    This whole SR4 vs. GTA V thing is getting out of hand

    Isn't comparing Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row more like comparing apples and oranges these days?
  8. Medic

    What Will happen After SRIV?

    Well, as long as it's executed well, almost anything could work.
  9. Medic

    Saints Row: The Third Full Package and Saints Row 2 in Humble Bundle

    Oh nice. Unfortunately, I don't have a spare €45 to buy Saints Row IV. And many Sadfaces were had. It's also a shame that you don't get copies to send to friends any more. Not enough people on my friends list own Saints Row the Third.
  10. Medic

    Saints Row: The Third Full Package and Saints Row 2 in Humble Bundle

    I bought this bundle yesterday. It's totally worth donating a bit more to get the Full Pack, buying it on Steam, even during the Summer Sale, would have been silly. Oh and I finally have Saints Row 2. I've wanted that for ages, yet I've never seen it for sale until now. Normally I send all my...
  11. Medic

    What Will happen After SRIV?

    Parallel universes sounds like a good step. Worlds where the Saints are less/more crazy, where they never ended up in Steelport, all sorts. But there's also the rest of the world to explore. The Saints don't seem to have stepped outside Northern America. Maybe branching off into other countries...