Additional Cheats

I wish it was UN flagging then.
Be patient and wait for a save game editor, or just make a new save and try and enjoy the game again with this mod and the cheats you want to use. Or just keep pressing on and playing
because all you lost was auto-saving and achievements, no big deal. These are your only options.
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I wish I had a pony.

I keep telling you over and over that it doesn't work the way you want it to and you refuse to just accept it and move on.

Knock it off.

Your cheat for the clear skies gets accepted when I type it in, then I toggle it on but nothing actually changes. I would love nothing more than clear blue skies, it makes everything so much more livid and fun :(

is that not what the cheat is supposed to do? or is there a way to get this?

I wasn't sure if I should just ask here or make a thread for it over at suggestion so feel free to delete this or whatever, thanks anyways
The time of day is actually different from the weather. The purpose of Clear Skies is toggle off the fire rain that you can enable with the Warden Weather.

Being able to change time of day on the fly to do what you want is something that is coming with Sandbox+.
The time of day is actually different from the weather. The purpose of Clear Skies is toggle off the fire rain that you can enable with the Warden Weather.

Being able to change time of day on the fly to do what you want is something that is coming with Sandbox+.

nice, looking forward to it :)

any ETA on that?
It's getting kinda sad how many times the flag issue has been explained in this one thread and people still keep asking

Cuz people read the first entry in the thread (sometimes) and the last entry in the thread (rarely) and almost never read all the comments between them. I can understand that when there are 50 pages in the thread but still there is that search box that probably 7 people on the internet actually use.

This is why we cant have nice things!