Additional Cheats

The time of day is actually different from the weather. The purpose of Clear Skies is toggle off the fire rain that you can enable with the Warden Weather.

Being able to change time of day on the fly to do what you want is something that is coming with Sandbox+.
So Sandbox+ is coming out for SRIV? Well, that's one thing i'm truly excited about. It was my favorite on SR3 so this should be great! :D
I do not know if this is posted already(well said already) according to, The Silverlink Codes(Always Gib/Golden gun) is tagged with "Requires the Executive Privilege Pack DLC." So Later today when I can, I can try them out cause I have that DLC pack. Here is the Copy/paste from GameWinners "
"Slow motion1 slowmo
Rated M++ (everything gibs)1 notrated
Golden Gun (one shot kills)1 goldengun
1. Requires the Executive Privilege Pack DLC."