baseball bat animation

Ah alright and lmao...oh man...halos super sword xD omg haha that'd be definitely a get-to-keep mod on forever!..its not posible is it? With the sdk ?:o
Btw is it possible to put a sword on the backpack section or somehow whenever you hide your sword it stays in your back showing? I've been wondering that all night.
Btw is it possible to put a sword on the backpack section or somehow whenever you hide your sword it stays in your back showing? I've been wondering that all night.
ahh you mean like carry it and probaly but im not sure how you would do it its somthign to do with stance animations for melee weapons
Alright I give up lol..I'm trying to take the 45. Shepherd from srtt into sr4 and replace the rail pistol gun but I'm no good lol there's no guidens on how to do them anywhere D':
Alright I give up lol..I'm trying to take the 45. Shepherd from srtt into sr4 and replace the rail pistol gun but I'm no good lol there's no guidens on how to do them anywhere D':
Yes no one has realy ported weapons and made a guide about it, its stil a fairly new thing on this site, to port the 45 shep go to SRTT unpack your preload items look for the Stream file for it unpack it, then go to SRIV unpack pre load items in ther aswell look for the Rail gun Stream file unpack that, then right click the rail gun click rename then copy the name it will just copy the start of the extention. then go into your 45 shep stream file you unpacked from SRTT then highlight all 3 files then right click rename then paste it will rename all highlighted files once they have the rail gun file names you can copy paste them files over to your Railgun stream file from SRIV replace your excisting files with these new renamed ones, then just repack the stream file and update the asm no need to repack the VPP just the STR2 then just drop that into your root thats the model and you would do the same for the texture but theyr in items.vpp
alright i give up lol its impossible for me
aww how come whats the problem your having ill see if I can help, its bit confusing but once you get it to work once youl find it easy :D, harest part I find is keeping track of what files your working with and what youv done I forget what im doing half time in middle of doing it :')
Lol that makes 2 of us xD and well I'm trying to take this step by step so I wanna start with the melee animations to attack like Joe, well I found his stuff and everything but then Idk what to do .second with the weapons I unpacked half of the stuff and then I can't anymore since it can't be modified or the lil icon stays white so I can't do anything with the notepad++...all I want is the Joe animations and the 45.shepherd to replace any sucky gun because they are much cool looking than the 45. In sr4 and change the lmg for the vector blossom or the burst water gun...but its soooo hard since I'm new at modding lol
Lol that makes 2 of us xD and well I'm trying to take this step by step so I wanna start with the melee animations to attack like Joe, well I found his stuff and everything but then Idk what to do .second with the weapons I unpacked half of the stuff and then I can't anymore since it can't be modified or the lil icon stays white so I can't do anything with the notepad++...all I want is the Joe animations and the 45.shepherd to replace any sucky gun because they are much cool looking than the 45. In sr4 and change the lmg for the vector blossom or the burst water gun...but its soooo hard since I'm new at modding lol
I wouldnt bother with any of the smg's if I where you as van im confused by them as the smg and the clip are seprate and last time I ported one of them over my game would crash when I changed to that weapon -.- I might have used rong clip tho but theyr labeld like clip1, clip2 etc
the joe part im not 100% on so you would have to work that out your self but I can deffo help you port over a weapon from STTT - SRIV or vice versa

the instructions I gave you on porting should be enuf, but if your stuff on a certain part just let me know or let me know how far you got and ill do my best to help you, it depends what you are trying to port and what your trying to replace see as certain weapons are special case types or are made up of the more than 3 files GMESH, CCMESH and RIG ,thats the standerd, so you wana try and use a weapon that is already them and swap it for one thats uses them. If you use another file type you would need to 'hack' the asm file to compile diffrent files types but we have no info on that im in middle of working it out I think I got it right but I missed out a table that needs updating maybe as when I try to acsess my new weapon in FF my action button wont work