Ye Melee animations are a funny thing, they dont work like normal animations for special case type weapons, as far as I can see they are made up by the game using like angle info and what limbs are used, I can see a table for Joe's animation set I think his weapons would be part of that you could try pre loading the animations then using my weapons mod to call in the ladle see if the weapon calls on the animations, might be worth try dont know if it work tho. I need to work out way of changing the animations a weapon calls upon as I want to make stun gun use the Decker hammer xtbl if I can do that im pretty sure I can get that in game aswelloh man if he does that i'll be using your nocturnal sword with that animation ALL the time :') it'd be sweet, and alright im moving it there! and oh that'd be cool lol hope he have space for it xD it'd be very nice since the melee animations are horrible
I want to use it as a melee weapon but replace the stun gun as its useless, but the stun gun is a smesh and the stun gun is a cmesh so if I do a model swap the asm wont compile as its set to look for he smesh extention, thats why I need to 'hack' the asm then I should be able to do it, thers a table for the deckers hammer so if i preloaded its animations and it was using the name decker hammer it would work, but as im going to be using stun gun slot its not going to work ll work somthing out tho try to add it as new but stil replace stun gun.they are indeed! and oh goody,but i dont know that much of modding and dont know anything about pr loading animations but i hope its possible and that idolninja have space for it becuase it'd me fun to have a good swing animation for melee. And hmm, you wanna use deckers hammer as a gun or use the stun gun slot for the deckers hammer?
<Action><ID>Hammer Prep</ID><Animation><Filename>rhammer_prep.animx</Filename></Animation></Action>
<Action><ID>Hammer Smash</ID><Animation><Filename>rhammer_smash.animx</Filename></Animation></Action>
They have files listed in asm that cant be removed for them that controls the way they move and glow etc like the dildo bat flops around and you woudlnt want that in a normal melee weapon , plus I only realy wana replace the crappy weaponshmm...what about replacing the dildo or tentacle? and lol alright its explained good but the only problem i have is that idk how to get IN the pre load anim ini
You only need the texture tools if your working with textures such as cpeg/gpeg file extentions, for every thing elese use Minimauls tools if your unpacking SRIV files then Gibbed for SRTT, you need both the latter to be able to port weaponsah so the physic oh the weapon stays ah what a crock xD...what about the energy sword? and ah so i need the SRTT texture tools, alright! ill see if i can make things work