Insructions for suits are included with the suits. Gun collection simply copy all seen str2_pc files to srtt main directory then choose the 45 of your choice in one of the folders(screenshots included for most)and copy that str2_pc file to your main directory. Now choose one of the 4 different decker swords and copy that str2_pc file to your main directory. Now copy the entire folder named ASM Updater to your main directory. Open the asm updater folder and run the top windows batch file(should see a comnand promp come up and update everything). Now play the game.How do I install this mod if I haven't installed any other mods like Joes Tacticool weapons?
Note you must leave all str2_pc files in main directory for them to work(game recognises the ones in main directory before preloaded original). Also leave the ASM Updater folder for future use if you add or change a mod you must use it to update the asm files.