Can't believe I've only just came across this!!!

I didnt play far cry 6 yet but i think its a solid game. And most of the fans seems happy. When it comes to AC i ll never forget and forgive what they done to that masterpiece.
I think Far cry 6 was the first time they let MC singing along.. i know for some people that games was solid but it doesn't suit to me at all 😓😓

AC ended in Blackflag,Syndicate,origins.. odyssey not counted as AC games same like Valhalla.. I can't Believe ac turned as GoW Clone right now
Exactly, last time i checked they realeased a new dlc which take place on Skandinav apocolypse with all that goofy stuff.
Seeing Eivor Like that reminds me with Connor Mcgregor as opponent of kratos.. and That Cinematic trailer fighting with that Chronos myth monster.. it doesn't make sense Assasins can match with monster thats not AC games anymore 😒😒 i'm still okay Seeing Female assasins fight with Alligator or Bayek fight with Giant alligator.