Community Modding Wishlist

I would like to see a auto mod installer/uninstaller similar to Nexus Mod Manager. It would be great if we could build one like that :)
Yeah, anything to make it easy for people like me. (People who can have nice ideas but don't have the skill to realise them alone)
Just a general question, I've only modded for Fallout 3 and NV and only know the legal side of Bethesda's Modding Policies.

Basically, Bethesda doesn't allow the use of Copyrighted assets from both other games AND its own (you can't directly port assets from, say, Oblivion into Fallout NV, without some dependency on the users ownership.)

If a mod does require cross game content, they usually require the user to rip the content themselves or at the very least, own the games from which the assets are ported (This is how it works for A Tale of Two Wastelands, a mod that basically takes the entireity of Fallout 3 and puts it in New Vegas.)

The most popular Modding site for Bethesda games, The Nexus, also enforces these policies and bans any kind of content whether its clear copyrighted materials are used or even if its in question (Nexus airs on the side of caution because Bethesda has shown to be willing and able to utilize legal means to get what they want)

So I guess that leads back to my question; What are/will be Volition's/Deep Silver's policies on using both cross game content (porting animations, weapons, armors, etc from older SR games to newer ones) and using content ripped from other games. I think having this information at the ready will be helpful going forward, if its already been stated then my most profound apologies.
Oooh, this one I want to know too. I think they said porting between SR games is ok (with the exception of SR1, which is a console game?). That says nothing about other games.. my guess is it might fall under "free use" in some cases, since we're obviously not going to charge for them, but the right-holders would argue too. My guess is that might be techincally illegal, since there's usually a "don't extract/repurpose content" clause in an EULA for anything, but at the same time it's already found the things tend to be unenforcable and often illegal themselves.

This.. sounds like a case for a copyright lawyer who'd probably say "Sorry", and in turn my guess is the site here would remove content if complained about by copyright holder but not actively vet anything ahead of time. But I'm not running this site (thankfully!) so they'd have to answer that one.

Some more proper guidelines would be nice though...
My personal wish would be extended customisation akin to that from SR3 by turkleton. Since helicopters and VTOL don't have weird glitches regarding customisation (well, I tried to pimp Specter once, the game crashed :P), that would be for the best.
(personal opinion) Think of it this way: If someone posts a mod that uses art assets from Oblivion, it's Bethesda's problem, and they will be displeased. Let's keep anything that isn't from a Saints Row game or original content far away.

Don't forget that Volition put in things like Boba Fett's outfit and Doc's helmet from Back to the Future. :p
(personal opinion) Think of it this way: If someone posts a mod that uses art assets from Oblivion, it's Bethesda's problem, and they will be displeased. Let's keep anything that isn't from a Saints Row game or original content far away.
Yeah thats what I meant in my other post about people just importing stuff... Why import a Greatsword/Claymore from Oblivion, as is... when you can make your own from scratch, texture it how you want, call it a 'SLAY-MORE' or something and put your name to it. People will get the reference that's it's meant to be a Claymore.