Community Modding Wishlist

If somebody could revive some of the weapons from previous Saints Row games that'd be cool. (I understand Grenades won't be a thing anymore)
I had a favourite gun in each game and the style of SR:IV 'blasts from the past' and such makes me wanna get nostalgic.

I love the D4TH BLOSSOM and 3 Barrel Shotgun from SR3, The Samurai Sword and the .44 Shepherd from SR2, And the trusty Vice-9 from SR1.

Also, if someone could make a mod to reactivate the individual testicular manslaughter animations we used to have for each weapon. I noticed that it's just a balls kick now rather than each weapon having it's own 'click R3' nuts attack.
eg butt of shotgun in the nuts, assault rifle spin kick to the nuts, dual wield pistols sweep and elbow drop...
a PC save editor. pc being the key word here. theres too many xbox save editors and not enough pc save editors. and since this is a good sized modding community, this shouldnt be that hard for the likes of idolninja and minimaul and volition.
If somebody could revive some of the weapons from previous Saints Row games that'd be cool. (I understand Grenades won't be a thing anymore)
I had a favourite gun in each game and the style of SR:IV 'blasts from the past' and such makes me wanna get nostalgic.

I love the D4TH BLOSSOM and 3 Barrel Shotgun from SR3, The Samurai Sword and the .44 Shepherd from SR2, And the trusty Vice-9 from SR1.

Also, if someone could make a mod to reactivate the individual testicular manslaughter animations we used to have for each weapon. I noticed that it's just a balls kick now rather than each weapon having it's own 'click R3' nuts attack.
eg butt of shotgun in the nuts, assault rifle spin kick to the nuts, dual wield pistols sweep and elbow drop...
Yeah yeah yeah!!! Bring them back, please! (Also Decker sword!):)
a PC save editor. pc being the key word here. theres too many xbox save editors and not enough pc save editors. and since this is a good sized modding community, this shouldnt be that hard for the likes of idolninja and minimaul and volition.
Same, I really don't understand why there isn't just a basic PC editor yet... I mean there REALLY shouldn't be ps3 or xbox save editors at ALL because it breaks multiple agreements yet on the PC it would not break any agreements but sadly the PC save editor does not exist :/
Same, I really don't understand why there isn't just a basic PC editor yet... I mean there REALLY shouldn't be ps3 or xbox save editors at ALL because it breaks multiple agreements yet on the PC it would not break any agreements but sadly the PC save editor does not exist :/

Because we all do this in our free time, including Volition. Don't be a dick.
hmm... this may just be wishful thinking. but... since i saw the spikey hair i was wondering someone could do a full-scale dbz mod. with more outfits, attacks, and an actual flight system (not the gliding we get, though thats fun as hell) can't be THAT hard can it? (once the sdk is released)
Y'know how when a modding tool comes out for a game, let's use Skyrim as an example...
and the workshop was bombarded with people ripping off Assassin's Creed outfits and adding Weapons from Lord of the Rings, I was just thinking instead of that happening to Saints Row, can't we all go for the Lore Friendly approach and instead make PARODY versions with silly names but obvious references to things?

Just a thought rather than a request, really.
Y'know how when a modding tool comes out for a game, let's use Skyrim as an example...
and the workshop was bombarded with people ripping off Assassin's Creed outfits and adding Weapons from Lord of the Rings, I was just thinking instead of that happening to Saints Row, can't we all go for the Lore Friendly approach and instead make PARODY versions with silly names but obvious references to things?

Just a thought rather than a request, really.

Oh, absolutely this. I mean, don't get me wrong, I seriously just want to see people having a good time, so whatever boats your float, go for it. And I'm definitely not putting down anyone's work either, even if it's non-lore friendly. But I absolutely hope some folks with the talent are interested in expanding what is already there.

The great thing is, unlike a game like Skyrim for example, basically nothing is off limits for Saints Row, so it's just a matter of naming and details like you said to make things a parody or original idea that fits into the Saints universe.

For all games, it's almost always universally came down to one thing for me. --- If I'm using or making mods for a game, it's only because I enjoy what it is already. I always prefer to play vanilla first and if I enjoy it, I'll check out mods to see how I can expand upon my experience, not change it. Saints Row celebrates the fact it's a game, I hope we see a lot of mods continue that tradition faithfully :)

Speaking strictly of the modding wishlist, it's no surprise after this post that my most wanted mods are ones that add as much SR2/TT content as possible. Stilwater being number one, if it ever becomes possible to implement. Clothing being second, and probably the more realistic.