Cutscene Patch aims to fix (as much as possible) all cutscene issues in Saint's Row 2.

This includes Story cutscenes and Activity cutscenes.
Some issues are exclusive to the PC port, while some others were shipped with the game on all platforms.

The Changelogs shown below are also included in the downloads as .txt files.


-Pierce's Desert Eagles are now Optional.

( * = The issue which has been fixed is also present in the console release of Saints Row 2. )



Mission: Jailbreak (New Game)
Cutscene: Vacation's Over
Fix: -Background npc_cop now uses a prison guard variant.



Mission: First Impressions
Cutscene: Blind Date
Fix: -Cops now use NR4s (Glocks) instead of Vice-9s (Berettas).

*BR06-02: (v1.2)
Mission: Thank You and Goodnight!
Cutscene: And the Band Played On
Fix: -A guitar which shares the texture of Matt's Guitar's model now uses Matt's Guitar's model.
This has been done to fix a difference in texture mapping, to make modified textures appear properly.​
(This fix has been ported from "Viva Volition! - Tribute Texture Pack".)​

Mission: Retribution
Cutscene: Cops and Robbers
Fix: -The NPC at the bar is now Female to match the feminine "Grunt" sound she makes when pushed.

Mission: Jail Bait
Cutscene: Early Parole
Fix: -The position and orientation of two Prison Buses has been fixed.
Early Parole Buses Fix.png


*RO02-01: (v1.2)

Mission: Laundry Day
Cutscene: 15 Minutes
Option: -Pierce now wields a GDHC.50 (Desert Eagle).

Mission: Laundry Day
Cutscene: Family Ties
Fix: -Swords on the backs of Shogo Akuji, Jyunichi, and the Ronin Goon now persist throughout the cutscene.

*RO04-02: (v1.1)
Mission: Bleeding Out
Cutscene: That Which Does Not Kill You...
Fixes: -A developer misplaced Ambulance has been removed.
-The Hammerhead used in the mission is now parked outside the Hospital, where it arrives at the end of the mission.​
-The Saints Soldier who drives you in the mission can be seen standing by the car looking concerned for Gat.​
Alt. 1: -The misplaced Ambulance has been repositioned outside the Hospital.
Alt. 2: -All Vehicles have been removed.

*RO05-02: (v1.2)
Mission: Orange Threat Level
Cutscene: Flight Plans
Fix: -Playa now uses correct Cellphone model.

Mission: Room Service
Cutscene: A Father's Love
Fixes: -Shaundi's Pipe now remains in her hand in Shot 4.
Option: -Pierce now holds a GDHC.50 (Desert Eagle). (v1.2)

Mission: One Man's Junk...
Cutscene: Coup de Gras
Fix: -Two dead bodies in Shot 26 are now correctly situated in the water.
Alt: -Two dead bodies in Shot 26 have been removed.



Mission: Airborne Assault
Cutscene: Music Lovers
Fix: -The General's Limo is now correctly situated on the ground.

Mission: Veteran Child
Cutscene: A Helluva Way To Break Up
Fix: -The General's Limo is now correctly situated on the ground.

Mission: Riot Control
Cutscene: Promises
Fixes: -Delivery Truck has been replaced with the Mule, to stay consistent with the mission.
-The Junkie in Shot 2 correctly holds the back door of the new vehicle.​
-A box which appeared to be floating due to the vehicle change has been placed on the ground.​
-The box behind Shaundi's head no longer slides out through the wall in Shot 1.​
-Pierce can now be seen in the background talking to a Saints lieutenant about unloading the truck.​
Alt.: -The Mule has been raised so the wheels no longer clip through the ground.

Mission: Assault on Precinct 31
Cutscene: Silver
Fix: -Shaundi now continues to wear her Repair Outfit for this cutscene.
-The Playa will now wear the Repair Outfit when replaying the Cutscene from a Crib TV. (v1.1)



Mission: Picking a Fight
Cutscene: So a Gang Leader Walks In A Bar...
Fix: -The Playa's NR4 (Glock) is now a Vice-9 (Beretta).

Mission: Salting the Earth...Again
Cutscene: Dane's Triumph
Fix: -An unnaturally static Helicopter has been removed.

*TSSE04-01: (v1.2)
Mission: ... and a Better Life
Cutscene: A Brighter Future...
Fix: -Ultor Guards who used Vice-9s (Berettas) now use NR4s (Glocks).

*TSSE04-03: (v1.2)
Mission: ... and a Better Life
Cutscene: End Game
Option: -Pierce now holds a GDHC.50 (Desert Eagle).


*Drug_Dealing_Hotels: (v1.2)

Activity: Drug Trafficking (Hotels & Marina)
Cutscene: Drug Trafficking (Hotels & Marina)
Fixes: -Medium Close-Up Camera Shots of both Luz and Playa have been rotated upward slightly, giving each Character more headroom.

Activity: Fight Club (Prison)
Cutscene: Fight Club (Prison)
Fix: -Taylor (the Prison Guard) now wears the same color uniform as other Prison Guards.

These fixes are for use with Custom Heights. They are to be installed on top of the base Cutscene Patch files.

"Kinda Fixes" offer fixes which don't entirely fix the issue, but are still a mild improvement. Options to remove the issue altogether are also available in these instances.

(The following fixes have been made in addition to the changes made in the base version of Cutscene Patch.)



Fix: -Playa's Cellphone (gameplay) now uses the higher quality texture of it's cutscene counterpart, since it is now used in cutscenes itself.
(Note: This texture will not be deleted by the Uninstaller.)​



Mission: Reunion Tour
Cutscene: We Grieve In Different Ways
Fix: -Vice-9 (Beretta) now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height.

Mission: Red Asphalt
Cutscene: Professional Courtesy
Fix: -Cellphone now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height.

Mission: Red Asphalt
Cutscene: Choices
Fix: -Vice-9 (Beretta) now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height.

Mission: Thank You and Goodnight!
Cutscene: And the Band Played On
Fixes: -Vice-9 (Beretta) and Cellphone now remain in Playa's hands while using a custom height.

BR09-02: (Kinda Fixed)
Mission: The Enemy Of My Enemy
Cutscene: Handle With Care
Fix: -Cellphone now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height. (Cellphone sits at a weird angle.)
Alt.Fix: -Cellphone has been hidden.

Mission: The Siege
Cutscene: It's Not The Fall That Kills You...
Fix: -Vice-9 (Beretta) now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height.



Mission: Laundry Day
Cutscene: 15 Minutes
Fix: -Vice-9s (Berettas) now remain in Playa's hand while using a custom height.
Option: -Pierce now wields a GDHC.50 (Desert Eagle).

Mission: Bleeding Out
Cutscene: House Party
Fixes: -Vice-9 (Beretta), T3K Urban (TEC-9), Cellphone now remain in Playa's hands while using a custom height.

Mission: Kanto Connection
Cutscene: Serendipity
Fix: -Cellphone now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height.

Mission: Good D
Cutscene: Old Friends, Older Enemies
Fix: -Vice-9 (Beretta) now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height.

Mission: One Man's Junk...
Cutscene: Coup de Gras
Fixes: -Samurai Sword, Vice-9 (Beretta), Cellphone now remain in Playa's hands while using a custom height.



Mission: Got Dust, Will Travel
Cutscene: Pipes Are For Suckers
Fix: -Vice-9 (Beretta) now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height.

Mission: Veteran Child
Cutscene: We Need To Talk
Fix: -Vice-9 (Beretta) now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height.

Mission: Bad Trip
Cutscene: Clam Baking
Fixes: -Vice-9 (Beretta) now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height.
-Playa's animation in Shot 11 is now the animation from Shot 18 (to prevent clipping with the first person camera when Playa's raises their hand to their head).​

Mission: Riot Control
Cutscene: Promises
Fix: -Vice-9 (Beretta) now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height.

SS11-02: (Kinda Fixed)
Mission: The Shopping Maul
Cutscene: Dishonorable Discharge
Fix: -The Playa now holds a Blunt instead of the General's Joint. (Blunt sits at a weird angle.)
Alt.Fix: -The General's Joint has been hidden in Shots where the Playa is holding it.


tsse01-01: (Kinda Fixed)

Mission: Picking a Fight
Cutscene: So a Gang Leader Walks In A Bar...
Fix: -The Wine contained in the Wine Glass has been removed, since the Wine Glass isn't visible in the PC Port of SR2 anyway (for some reason).

Mission: ... and a Better Life
Cutscene: A Brighter Future...
Fix: -Vice-9 (Beretta) now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height.

TSSE04-03: (Kinda Fixed)
Mission: ... and a Better Life
Cutscene: End Game
Fix: -Cellphone now remains in Playa's hand while using a custom height. (Cellphone sits at a weird angle.)
Alt.Fix: -Cellphone has been hidden.
Option: -Includes either of the above fixes, except Pierce now wields a GDHC.50 (Desert Eagle).



Activity: Drug Trafficking (Hotels & Marina)
Cutscene: Drug Trafficking (Hotels & Marina)
Fixes: -The FOV of the last Shot has been widened to accommodate tall or short custom heights for the Playa.

Activity: Escort (Stilwater University)
Cutscene: Escort (Stilwater University)
Fixes: -Cameras in Shots 2 & 4 now focus on Lindsey. This means the Camera will always show the Computer Monitor, regardless of Playa's
-Camera angles in Shots 2 & 4 have also received Orientation and FOV tweaks to accommodate this.​

Activity: Trail Blazing (Apartments)
Cutscene: Trail Blazing (Apartments)
Fixes: -Cameras in most Shots now focus on Blake. This means both characters will always be fully visible on screen, regardless of Playa's
-Camera angles have also received minor Orientation tweaks.​


(The following fixes have been made in addition to the changes made in Custom Height Fixes.)

"Replace with Beer Can":

-CS_BottleWithCap.cmesh has been replaced with CS_beerCan.cmesh in all Cutscenes listed below, and has been repositioned where necessary.​
-"beer" Item is now used by Playa in the Cutscenes listed below.​
-beercan.smesh now uses CS_beerCan.cmesh's higher quality texture.​

"Replace with alt. Beer Bottle":

-CS_BottleWithCap.cmesh has been replaced with CS_BeerBottle.cmesh in all Cutscenes listed below, and has been repositioned where necessary.​
-"beer" Item is now used by Playa in the Cutscenes listed below.​
-Replaced files relating to beercan.smesh with files relating to beerbottle1.smesh (meaning "beer" Item is now a beer bottle instead of a beer can).​



Mission: Appointed Defender
Cutscene: Check, Please
Fix: -Beer Bottle has been replaced with either a Beer Can or an alternate Beer Bottle.

Mission: Down Payment
Cutscene: You Don't Have To Go Home...
Fix: -Beer Bottle has been replaced with either a Beer Can or an alternate Beer Bottle.


Mission: Kanto Connection
Cutscene: Serendipity
Fix: -Beer Bottle has been replaced with either a Beer Can or an alternate Beer Bottle.



Mission: Airborne Assault
Cutscene: Life On The Farm
Fix: -Beer Bottle has been replaced with either a Beer Can or an alternate Beer Bottle.



Mission: Pyramid Scheme
Cutscene: Khufu's Legacy
Fix: -Beer Bottle has been replaced with either a Beer Can or an alternate Beer Bottle.

NOTICE: The "No Letterbox Edition" of Cutscene Patch is no longer recommended. Instead, we recommend using the main version of Cutscene Patch v1.2 in combination with Juiced Patch, which will allow you to fully remove the letterboxes from ALL cutscenes.
("No Letterbox Edition" is still available to download for those who wish to use it.)

"Cutscene Patch - No Letterbox Edition" removes the Letterbox from all Story and Activity cutscenes, including those otherwise untouched by Cutscene Patch!

The way Spadita and I have achieved this is by adding the "Letterbox Fade Out" option to the first Shot of each cutscene.
Unfortunately, this means the Letterbox will still remain for the duration of the first Shot. But it will fade away before the second Shot.
(Since the game's opening cutscene is one long continuous Shot, the Letterbox will remain until the end of this cutscene.)

Bear in mind Saints Row 2's cutscenes were not designed to play without a Letterbox.
You may occasionally see some ugliness which would otherwise have been hidden behind the Letterbox.

Exclusive to the "No Letterbox Edition" are optional versions of the cutscenes included in Female Prison Overhaul, which have had their Letterbox removed.



These fixes are for the minor in-gameplay cutscenes which happen during the middle of some missions.

Brotherhood 10
- Player uses ak47 instead of ar50
Ronin 09 - Player and Johnny Gat use beretta instead of kobra and glock
Samedi 04 & Samedi 04 Alt- Player uses beretta & Veteran Child uses a tec-9
Samedi 11 - Player uses ak47 instead of ar50


Gentlemen Of The Row):

1. COPY all files found inside the "1. Cutscene Patch"/"1. No Letterbox" folder.​
2. PASTE into "Gentlemen_of_the_Row_Saints_Row_2_Super_Mod_v1.9.2\optional_mod_stuff\1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE".​
3. Rebuild your Gentlemen Of The Row custom patch by double-clicking "Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat" and following the instructions.​
4. Move the newly created contents of "MY_CUSTOM_PATCH" into your Saints Row 2 root folder (Where SR2_pc.exe is located.).​
5. Launch Saint's Row 2 and enjoy a smoother cinematic experience!​
(Files from "2. Alt. Fixes", "3. Optional", and "4. Custom Height Fixes" folders must be installed after installing the base files from the "1. Cutscene Patch"/"1. No Letterbox" folder.)​

(via SR2ModManager):

1. COPY the "1. Cutscene Patch"/"1. No Letterbox" folder.​
2. PASTE into "SR2ModManager_v2.07\mods".​
3. Run "SR2ModManager.exe" and tick the "1. Cutscene Patch"/"1. No Letterbox" folder you just copied over.​
4. Compile your "patch.vpp_pc" and move it from "SR2ModManager_v2.07\patch_vpp_pc_new" into your Saint's Row 2 root directory (Where SR2_pc.exe is located).​
5. Launch Saint's Row 2 and enjoy a smoother cinematic experience!​
(Files from "2. Alt. Fixes", "3. Optional", and "4. Custom Height Fixes" folders must be installed to the COPY you made of the "1. Cutscene Patch"/"1. No Letterbox" folder in "SR2ModManager_v2.07\mods".)​

-"Gentlemen Of The Row" by IdolNinja (& Co.)​
-"SR2ModManager" by Masamaru​

-HUGE thanks to Spadita! Without Spadita's eagle eye, Cutscene Patch would simply not have happened!

Thanks to:
-Vinsky; For prompting me towards a fix for the Playa's Repair Outfit during Replays of SS10-02.​
-arentyoumaria; For pointing out the RO04-02 Ambulance issue.​

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded previous versions of Cutscene Patch! A lot of work has gone into this mod, and to see the reception it has received has made it all worth it!

If you find an issue with a cutscene which Cutscene Patch hasn't fixed, please let us know so we can include fixes in a later update!

Unzipped Folder Size (Cutscene Patch): 17.7 MB
Unzipped Folder Size (No Letterbox Edition): 32.5 MB


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This mod aims to fix (as much as possible) all cutscene issues in Saint's Row 2.
This includes Story cutscenes and Activity cutscenes.
Some issues are exclusive to the PC port, while some others were shipped with the game on all platforms.

The Changelog shown below is also included in the download as a .txt file.


( * = The issue which has been fixed is also present in the console release of Saints Row 2. )



Mission: Jailbreak (New Game)
Cutscene: Vacation's Over
Fix: -Background npc_cop now uses a prison guard variant.



Mission: First Impressions
Cutscene: Blind Date
Fix: -Cops now use NR4s (Glocks) instead of Vice-9s (Berettas).

Mission: Retribution
Cutscene: Cops and Robbers
Fix: -The NPC at the bar is now Female to match the feminine "Grunt" sound she makes when pushed.

Mission: Jail Bait
Cutscene: Early Parole
Fix: -The position and orientation of two Prison Buses has been fixed.



Mission: Laundry Day
Cutscene: Family Ties
Fix: -Swords on the backs of Shogo Akuji, Jyunichi, and the Ronin Goon now persist throughout the cutscene.

Mission: Room Service
Cutscene: A Father's Love
Fixes: -Shaundi's Pipe now remains in her hand in Shot 4.
-Pierce now holds a GDHC.50 (Desert Eagle).​

Mission: One Man's Junk...
Cutscene: Coup de Gras
Fix: -Two dead bodies in Shot 26 are now correctly situated in the water.
Alt: -Two dead bodies in Shot 26 have been removed.



Mission: Airborne Assault
Cutscene: Music Lovers
Fix: -The General's Limo is now correctly situated on the ground.

Mission: Veteran Child
Cutscene: A Helluva Way To Break Up
Fix: -The General's Limo is now correctly situated on the ground.

Mission: Riot Control
Cutscene: Promises
Fixes: -Delivery Truck has been replaced with the Mule, to stay consistent with the mission.
-The Junkie in Shot 2 correctly holds the back door of the new vehicle.​
-A box which appeared to be floating due to the vehicle change has been placed on the ground.​
-The box behind Shaundi's head no longer slides out through the wall in Shot 1.​
-Pierce can now be seen in the background talking to a Saints lieutenant about unloading the truck.​
Alt.: -The Mule has been raised so the wheels no longer clip through the ground.

Mission: Assault on Precinct 31
Cutscene: Silver
Fix: -Shaundi now continues to wear her Repair Outfit for this cutscene.



Mission: Picking a Fight
Cutscene: So a Gang Leader Walks In A Bar...
Fix: -The Boss's NR4 (Glock) is now a Vice-9 (Beretta).

Mission: Salting the Earth...Again
Cutscene: Dane's Triumph
Fix: -An unnaturally static Helicopter has been removed.

Mission: ... and a Better Life
Cutscene: End Game
Fix: -Pierce now holds a GDHC.50 (Desert Eagle).



Activity: Fight Club (Prison)
Cutscene: Fight Club (Prison)
Fix: -Taylor (the Prison Guard) now wears the same color uniform as other Prison Guards.


Gentlemen Of The Row):

1. COPY all files found inside the "1. Cutscene Patch" folder.​
2. PASTE into "Gentlemen_of_the_Row_Saints_Row_2_Super_Mod_v1.9.2\optional_mod_stuff\1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE".​
3. Rebuild your Gentlemen Of The Row custom patch by double-clicking "Create_Custom_GotR_v1.9.2.bat" and following the instructions.​
4. Move the newly created contents of "MY_CUSTOM_PATCH" into your Saints Row 2 root folder (Where SR2_pc.exe is located.).​
5. Launch Saint's Row 2 and enjoy a smoother cinematic experience!​

(via SR2ModManager):

1. COPY the "1. Cutscene Patch" folder.​
2. PASTE into "SR2ModManager_v2.07\mods".​
3. Run "SR2ModManager.exe" and tick the "1. Cutscene Patch" folder you just copied over.​
4. Compile your "patch.vpp_pc" and move it from "SR2ModManager_v2.07\patch_vpp_pc_new" into your Saint's Row 2 root directory (Where SR2_pc.exe is located).​
5. Launch Saint's Row 2 and enjoy a smoother cinematic experience!​

-"Gentlemen Of The Row" by IdolNinja (& Co.)​
-"SR2ModManager" by Masamaru​

HUGE thanks to Spadita! Without Spadita's eagle eye, Cutscene Patch would simply not have happened!

Unzipped Folder Size: 4.45 MB
Nice work you doing donethere.... still hate the hologram On assault precint cant get fixed in Vanilla version in console you dont get this


  • Saints Row 2_148.png
    Saints Row 2_148.png
    907.9 KB · Views: 320
Nice work you doing donethere.... still hate the hologram On assault precint cant get fixed in Vanilla version in console you dont get this
Yeah, it annoys me too. I looked into this while I was building the Viva Volition! Texture Pack, but there's no transparency in the textures so I don't think it's because of that.
I took a closer look in-game; The only parts which are not transparent (as it appears to me) are the tail, the halo, and the Vice-9s.
Yeah, it annoys me too. I looked into this while I was building the Viva Volition! Texture Pack, but there's no transparency in the textures so I don't think it's because of that.
I took a closer look in-game; The only parts which are not transparent (as it appears to me) are the tail, the halo, and the Vice-9s.
I think the issues also the patch they promised could fix some bugs,etc.. since their port pc its not good as console ones but we might see if someone can fix it.

Yeah i really like you can fix shaundi with that repair outfit.. i dont remember she doesnt wear it later after we landed in HQ lol.
I think the issues also the patch they promised could fix some bugs,etc.. since their port pc its not good as console ones but we might see if someone can fix it.

Yeah i really like you can fix shaundi with that repair outfit.. i dont remember she doesnt wear it later after we landed in HQ lol.
She doesnt wear it in the cutscenes.. not sure if in console also happens.
She doesn't wear it on console either: example
I have marked issues which are also present in the Console version with an asterisk (*) in the changelog.
awesome work! any chance that the Assault on Precinct 31 cutscene could have an alt version where both Shaundi and Boss are wearing their regular outfits instead though? i have the opposite problem with it than what this changes, Boss made it sound like they wouldn't be caught dead wearing the jumpsuit when Shaundi teases them about it. always thought it was weird they'd then go in front of their crew while still sporting it lol
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awesome work! any chance that the Assault on Precinct 31 cutscene could have an alt version where both Shaundi and Boss are wearing their regular outfits instead though? i have the opposite problem with it than what this changes, Boss made it sound like they wouldn't be caught dead wearing the jumpsuit when Shaundi teases them about it. always thought it was weird they'd then go in front of their crew while still sporting it lol
So, in SR2, the player is never forced to wear an outfit for a cutscene. The player wears whatever they were wearing when the cutscene started.

For example:
-When the "Silver" cutscene starts after completing "Assault on Precinct 31", the player was last wearing the Repair outfit, so continues to wear it for the cutscene.​
-When you replay the "Silver" cutscene from the TV in your Crib, the player will continue wearing whatever they were wearing when the cutscene was selected to be replayed.​

The Prison outfit in the opening mission is no exception to this. It is not actually an "Outfit" (like how the outfits in the Wardrobe are "Outfits"), they are the player's default clothes, controlled by a dedicated file, to be worn at the start of a new game.
The player is already wearing the Prison clothes when the Intro cutscene (with Barney and Fred [the guards]) starts, and so the player continues to wear them in cutscenes until you are told to change them at Sloppy Seconds in the second mission.

Since there's no Table Description at the bottom of Cutscene files, it's hard to know if there's a function to force the player to wear (or not wear) a specific outfit.

TLDR; Sadly, I'm not sure this is possible. Good idea though, I hadn't thought of that!

Ignore most of the above! It turns out there IS a command to force an outfit (it is used in the first three cutscenes of the game), but it doesn't seem there is an option to force no outfit. Unfortunately, what you're asking still doesn't seem possible.​
The file I've attached forces the player to wear the Repair outfit in the "Silver" cutscene (Cutscene Patch version), so it will even be worn in replays!:​

File no longer attached to this post, but it is included in Version1.1.
Last edited:
TLDR; Sadly, I'm not sure this is possible. Good idea though, I hadn't thought of that!
thanks for the explanation, appreciate it. i didn't even consider there's no example of what i was requesting in the game at all, just kinda assumed it probably wouldn't be that easy since Boss doesn't exactly just switch models like the npcs do
She doesn't wear it on console either: example
I have marked issues which are also present in the Console version with an asterisk (*) in the changelog.
Yeah i check out the cutscene again she doesnt wear it that makes it weird the boss doesnt want stay too long in that outfit.. threatening shaundi to kill her if she post it on her blog... but shaundi unwear that cloth after we landed weird...

Anyway awesome mods looking forward what next mod you will made!