Daspex's Switchable Info Panel + Sandbox + Help Screens (IdolNinjaVersion) Mod

Yeah, but not like this, it can be like var1, var2, var3 =local_player,follower1,follower2,follower3 or like table
first ="LOCAL_PLAYER",
second ="follower1",
third = "follower2",
-- and call some table child as actor.second
And call them like action_play(first, second, third, "......")?
I mean can you release all commands from Sandbox+ to workshop?
I'm far away from the knowledge to manage something like that.As you can see if you read my questions here.I just want to do a cool infopanel with all the key combos displayed as a reminder for users like me who can't remember all of the key combos.

Second point is with this mod i try to learn a little lua scripting and stuff and i think this could also be used by other people with the sandbox and cheats installed.But i would
never touch the Sandbox+ at all.
Set smaller delay 1 second is to mach, in mission scripts it is around 0.2
Check.Set it to 0.2 works pretty quick now.Thanks
And call them like action_play(first, second, third, "......")?
like action_play(actor.first,..)
Function can use only one argument

I recommend you create new function like
function my_dance(dance_char, dance_anim, dance_message)
action_play(dance_char, dance_anim)

And create table like or more simple
my_dance_table ={
dance_anim ={"lap_dance_d",},
so you'll call animmation like this
my_dance(my_dance_table.dance_char.2, my_dance_table.dance_anim.1, my_dance_table.dance_message.1)
like action_play(actor.first,..)
Function can use only one argument

I recommend you create new function like
function my_dance(dance_char, dance_anim, dance_message)
action_play(dance_char, dance_anim)

And create table like or more simple
my_dance_table ={
dance_anim ={"lap_dance_d",},
so you'll call animmation like this
my_dance(my_dance_table.dance_char.2, my_dance_table.dance_anim.1, my_dance_table.dance_message.1)
Thank you very much that looks very intresting.Will keep that in mind.
My bad call to table's item by index should look like this
my_dance(my_dance_table.dance_char[2], my_dance_table.dance_anim[1], my_dance_table.dance_message[1])
My bad call to table's item by index should look like this
my_dance(my_dance_table.dance_char[2], my_dance_table.dance_anim[1], my_dance_table.dance_message[1])
Ok.Thanks for that correction. :)

So text strings for selector ready and code also ok.Looks like this...

Now i have to search for some more animations and when it's done all is ready to be merged into the infopanel cyceling version. :)
This test version is still WIP.Still searching for anims.They are hard to find and it takes time to test them. :(
Added all animations called by anode xtable .
Created the textstrings now we have 103 of it.Idk if i've overseen some anis.
I've made this for modders who want to test their creations with animations used in the City.Pressing the "G" button plays all 103 anims one by one.
But i've a big problem.I don't know how to unequip objects used by the model during animation playing.
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How to get rid of it?
Ok.Henry08 found a solution for it.(Like he almost does. :)).
So i found all the items i want to remove.Now code for it in Progress...;)
Testversion has not all anims yet.Have put some anims to pgup button for testing.
Sorting files thats fun. :(

All sorted and code ready to go.
Released on Steam Workshop.

Now working on Infopanelplus with animation mod included
This version uses less buttons than infopanelplusc.
Thank you very much Henry08 without your help i couldn't have made this mod. :)
Working on optimizing thr code a little to keep it smaller and runs a little faster i hope...:)
Ok.Found a good sounding function for follower weapon check - inv_item_is_firearm_equipped([name]). Thats cool.And another one -
inv_item_remove_all(name) sounds good.Yeah,works pretty good.Thats cool.:)
Now the npcs/players weapons will be unequipped when selected.
Hm, not so good removes all weapons permanent have to use other functions for that.
Ok.Didn't got it managed to un- and reequip the Weapons of the Homies but
I can remove them.If the homies are disarmed by the script you have to fire them
and then recall them so their Weapons will be reequipped.So it's not a good idea to
save the game at this point.Thats not the best solution but for now i see no other
way to get rid of the Homies guns while playing anis.:(
But im not out of ideas,will test something else...:)
Yeah,got it.Everything works fine now.One little function did the trick:
inv_equip(nil,ACTOR) Thats all.Now every character selected will unequip
Weapons do the animation and reequip weapons.Thats fun. :)
Reduced code a little more by using variables.
View attachment 19097
Ok.Next Game playing arround with homies and give them some Weapons cause they seem to have no inventory.Here they are with Haarp Controler equipped...haha
Ok.Anims are working with crib ship females.Added to the mod.Later on textstrings will be done.Thanks @Henry08 for helping with this. :)
View attachment 19127
Ok.Added Crib Ship Males to selection update later in the evening.
Canged helpscreen button to right arrow.
Added cycleing through animations and select one to be played by selected Character.
Fixed unequippment of Items in last version.Testing anis again and will delete some
entrys.Strange,some taunt animations and others seems to need
extra tags or something to be displayed.Forward/backward selection of anims don't work with
counter -1.Set chars to clear animation state but sometimes ctd while playing all anims in list.
Ok.Now i'l start with experimenting with breaks and stops and last frame stuff. :)
Changed keys PGUP=Play all anims,PGDN=Select anim.
Infopanelplus with infoscreen cycleing ready to be merged with Animation mod.
Ok.Now looking for some movement anims or something to get the characters
in a better position for some anims.Ok.Found some anims for moving the chars.
Will see how to include them.Ok.Added turn left 90° to End button,turn left 180° to Home button and one step/jump forward to right Bracket button so
the npc's can be moved for better positioning before playing the anims.
The progress of this mod will be slowed down a little cause of my
‎pancreas inflammation but i'm still working on it as often i can do it.
Messed around with forward/backward selection.It works but idk if it could cause conflicts.
Had some strange behavior during loading of savegame after changing the - and+ values.
Will test this a few day's and see if this ctd happens again.Ok.Moved the incrementation out of function again cause can't see a difference during runtime and it's less code.Ok.Mods merged.Will test it a few day's .
So last thing to do is a little cosmetical tuning to all of the textstrings i made.Ok.Textstrings from Infopanel ready.Uffh.Now the anim strings in Progress...Ok.Strings ready.That was fun.;)
So this could be released but something is still missing but also in Progress...

Uhps...forgot one string...
SaintsRowIV 2018-06-19 07-53-33.png

Now all strings are ready. :)
Adding some of the taunts and compliments anims.


Aka compliment p .This animation is strange.It'll be played but only if selected as default compliment/taunt in personality section when setting up the player.Whithout selecting it before it won't displayed if selected in my mod.Added Animation looping to the mod. :)Ok.My Pancreas is better again so I've time to search for some more animations and clean out the mod for release.
Ok.Serveral anims found. :)
Maybe i add some tod's.No need for tod's but a switchable ETD Building.
SaintsRowIV 2018-07-03 18-13-16.png

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Hm,that's strange the return of print ACTOR is #player1# and not LOCAL_PLAYER as I expected.Ok.Now I'm looking for equip vehicles to homies.Homies must wait.Added Vehicle lights on/off to the mod.If you leave the car with lights switched on the lights will be still on but not the
engine.Thats cool. :) Ok.No need I think for ETD Building but vehicle lights is usable.
Vehicle lights can be switched by using the 5 button.
SaintsRowIV 2018-07-10 19-39-35.png

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Added switchable Traffic to the mod. :)
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Ok.Released the mod.Added switch to deactivate all mod functions while playing a mission or something and traffic can be set on or off.
Steam version will be released soon.Released onSteam.Ok.Added Image as Designed to the mod.Will test this a few day's. :)

To be continued... :)
Test Drivers wanted...

Idk if the 500 mp/h can be reached.If there is a user with high racing skills please help me to see how
fast the cars can go....In the test version of the mod first press F1 button to start mod functions then
press F2 to start silenced city mode then press 6 to start 500 mp/h mode and drive.To see the speed
Press 7 and post a screenshot here.Test version will be posted late in the evening. :) HOW FAST CAN YOU GO?
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Ok.This are the latest adds to the mod.I`ll test it a while and update can be made.

Update released.


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Do I have to move this thread to adult corner?
EDIT: Sorry but I had to remove some of the images.
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