DLC that YOU want to see

On that thread though (not the silly RP one, but the idea of other sims) I wanna find out that thanks to the time travel mechanic some people we thought were dead.. aren't.
Like Oleg. I LIKED Oleg. I'd love to have him back as a homie in the sims or better yet in the real world as we smash through the Zin ship to free other people. He doesn't need a mech, he is one!
That and a proper custom 'rescue' sim for him too.

Same applies for other people too...
New want on my DLC list: Homies in mechsuits too when you're using one, and each homies mech is painted/styled to match their personalities.
I just want a troop of mechs blowing everything to shit.
I'd honestly just like to see the storyline continued in a DLC or even a reply from Volition about a possible SRV. I heard Deep Silver grant Volition to continue the Saints Row series depending on how SRIV did and I'd love to see what happens next for the Saints. A "Rulers of the galaxy/universe" plot would be good if they want to end the series with a bigger bang than Saints Row IV has become. I'd like to see the main cast in it again though. Maybe a DLC where you can go back in time and actually save Aisha, stop Zinyak from destroying earth but still taking over the galaxy with the technology they have now. I pre-ordered Saints Row IV since day one, have every DLC, the game has by far blown me away at how "over the top" it is. I'm not even excited about GTA V anymore because this game is so much fun and how much potential and how creative the modding community has become as well as Volition making a tool to take it to infinity and beyond in modding.

Sorry for long post and not spacing it out properly. Wrote this on my phone.
I'd like something in the way of an endgame - not just new missions that will be over and done with in 30 minutes.

It doesn't have to be something that's art asset intensive either. Something along the lines of the 'True Vault Hunter Mode' from the Borderlands series - have all the activities reset to a much higher difficulty once you finish the game. Clump the side activities together into groups like in the single player where you have to do four or five before getting a reward.

The reward for finishing them could be amped up variants of existing weapons - stuff like a black hole gun with longer lasting and larger singularities, or an Alien RPG that fires 5 missiles at a time (like the VTOL/Screaming Eagle secondary fire), etc. The only new art assets required would be different skin for each weapon variant.

I feel like this makes sense on a few levels as
a) at the moment you earn your full arsenal and unlock additional upgrades and elements for your powers by completing the side activities, but once you're fully upgraded there's nothing new left to test them on.
b) it would add a reasonable amount to the game as it would add an actual reason to upgrade your skills and your weapons - as it is there really isn't one at the moment.
c) it would lay the groundwork for Volition to do what Gearbox did with Borderlands 2, where Gearbox later on released Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode which was the same thing again - reset all the missions - but made them even more difficult.

That said I'd imagine at this point all of the DLC plans are more or less locked in, so I'd love to see the capability to add something like this when the SDK releases.
the Borderlands 2 TVHM idea is good for second playthrough or just give something like new game plus. You start the whole game again with all your previous upgrades.

For DLC, all I really hope is they are not as short as the ones in SR3
A NG+ with higher difficulty would be awesome, it's something that alot of sandbox games don't have and it always bugs me because NG+ would work so well for these games.
New Game + is an option in the SR3 save game editor (maybe someone will make a SR4 savegame editor that has it as well).
Having NG+ in game would be fun (set it to one of the consoles in the ship, and boom you are back in time to mission 1).

I'm currently on my 3 or 4th play through.
First time was regular with all side quests, Second was easy with no side quests (deleted that save as I kicked off the giveall cheat and super powered my homies by accident), Second full run was again easy with no side quests.
My current run through is on hard (with the past gang spawn mod installed, and it gets kinda harry at times).

For DLC's:

I would like to see backpacks with working VTOL style flight controls (in either a cape or a set of wings).
And make it so you can select the color of the item in the clothing menu (ala "Lets Pretend").
For the wings have them work similar to the screaming eagle (in hover mode have them flap).
Offer different styles of cape's (with different knock off logo's and lengths).
And more then 1 style of wings (DC's Hawk Girl style, Marvel's Archangel Metal Wings, a set of Demon Bat Wings, a regular set of Angel Wings)...
That would be a DLC work $2.99
note: Weapon options for something like this would be what you have in hand (weapon wheel for primary, super power for secondary).

How about a DLC that offers Transforming options for vehicles into mech suits.
Bikes turn into something like the Iron Saint (Power Armor)
Smaller Car, Truck, and choppers turn into something like the regular Mech
Larger Trucks (Garbage truck), Choppers, and Planes turn into something the size of the Zen Mech Suit

How about More Saints of Rage levels: Relive some of the better parts of SR1 and SR2.
This would call for new levels sets due to the way the camera has to be mapped in the 2d configuration.

Silly Shit add-on's like: Fuzz (I really miss Pirates-vs-Ninja's), Septic Avenger, Vtol Septic Avenger (now you're really slinging shit!), and come up with new fun stuff to kill time with!!!
Oh Assassination Attempts - while walking through VR Stealport someone comes gunning for your character (kind of a reverse to the current Assassination missions).
How about a DLC that offers Transforming options for vehicles into mech suits.
Bikes turn into something like the Iron Saint (Power Armor)
Smaller Car, Truck, and choppers turn into something like the regular Mech
Larger Trucks (Garbage truck), Choppers, and Planes turn into something the size of the Zen Mech Suit

^ That right there I am 100% in agreement with. (All the ideas were good, but that one won me over.) It would give me a reason to drive a car around again.