DLC that YOU want to see

Umm... that makes no sense.

Umm, yes it does? It's the first rescue mission of a homie. It wouldn't make sence if they didn't even have a rescue mission for him. It's pretty clear after playing his rescue mission in the real world, the same would happen to all the other homies you rescue. Well, it's pretty clear to me anyway, but then again, I'm not as pessimistic about things in this game as you are. =) Plus you needed Matt to give the mech guns, wich also shows that the boss made a good call going after Matt first, as Matt proves to be just as valuable considering the virual world and the mechanics in the real world and how he can improve on it.

I'm sorry...but this made me chuckle.
They didn't want it to feel like a drag? The whole sidequest part the game is one giant repetition with the exception of the loyalty missions.
Truly, a retrieve mission for every Saint would've only added some more variety.

Well, the activities are optional. The rescue missions are not. I agree that I would love to see rescue missions for every member, but that wouldn't be different as the one before, only that you have to protect a different homie while they are nude.

Narrative consistency however is completely in the toilet, and the lack of rescue missions or just cutscenes for all the crew is part of the reason why.
Oleg and Josh are another. Honestly plotwise SR4 often feels like a bunch of unrelated scenes and characters edited together randomly.

With this I dissagree. Plotwise SR4 is much better then The Third, and much more easy to follow. It breaks down to the main quests, and then you can do the secondary quests, but they are, again, optional. You don't need to do those for the story. They just add rewards. If you only play the main quests, you get a full story which is easy to follow. Again, I found it easy to follow anyway. And I am not exactly some high IQ person who was top of the class or something.

I do agree wth missing cutscenes. But that was also in Saints Row The Third. I miss getting a fun cutscene at the start of every activity. I found that more amusing then having the first round of the activities put into quests. And if they do put it into a quest, give us a fun cutscene before and after that makes more sense. I understand that all the activities are a way to disrupt the system and all, but.. would be more fun to actually show Zinyak losing control over the system so you actually feel like you HAVE to do those activities.

The first playthrough I did a main quest, then finished all the secondary quests before going on with the main quest. Now I think that it would be better to just do all the secondary quests after you rescued all homies. That way the challenges are also easier to achieve. As you lose your super powers during the nightmare missions anyway...
What about Carlos? I know Carlos is not really that much of a badass like Johnny, but hey, the Boss had a soft side himself, right?

...Actually nevermind, back in SR2 he was a total badass asshole. In SR3 and SR4, he's a big wimpy pussy that you don't wanna pet.

Carlos, you should be happy you got killed even in a horrible way, your boss fucking sucks just like Pierce.
Umm, yes it does? It's the first rescue mission of a homie. It wouldn't make sence if they didn't even have a rescue mission for him. It's pretty clear after playing his rescue mission in the real world, the same would happen to all the other homies you rescue. Well, it's pretty clear to me anyway, but then again, I'm not as pessimistic about things in this game as you are. =) Plus you needed Matt to give the mech guns, wich also shows that the boss made a good call going after Matt first, as Matt proves to be just as valuable considering the virual world and the mechanics in the real world and how he can improve on it.

I don't see how that explains not having to go after the other homies as well. Especially since they made a big deal about how Prez needed help escaping so consequently Matt (and the others) would need help too. But then again, I'm not as forgiving about Volition's obvious mistakes as you are...

That stuff about Matt became obvious ether after or while you were rescuing him. Prez had no idea Matt was gonna give him Mech guns or whatever before they rescued him.

What about Carlos? I know Carlos is not really that much of a badass like Johnny, but hey, the Boss had a soft side himself, right?

He was a bitch. He was destined to be killed from the start, good riddance.

...Actually nevermind, back in SR2 he was a total badass asshole. In SR3 and SR4, he's a big wimpy pussy that you don't wanna pet.

That goes for every character in case you haven't noticed, even the President went from badass to puckish rogue in SR3.
I don't see how that explains not having to go after the other homies as well. Especially since they made a big deal about how Prez needed help escaping so consequently Matt (and the others) would need help too. But then again, I'm not as forgiving about Volition's obvious mistakes as you are...

I've played this card many times already, but it is another reason why I use it yet again: Saints Row IV was a bit of a rushed product, mostly by THQ because they needed money, and then simply by Deep Silver because they already paid many millions for it and tossing out a by that time probably mostly complete product would just be bad business, especially since the buzz about it was already on the net.

I mean, come on, SRTT came out at the end of '11, less than two years later you get SRIV, how can you expect magic to happen in that short of a timeframe? I'm already amazed they managed to do all of this in just that timeframe story wise.
The time between GTA IV and V is 5 years
There is 6 years between TES IV and V

I do not lay the blame for this rushedness with Volition, they had their orders to comply with and I do praise them for what they managed to make of it. Lacking missions types, the lack of depth in various parts of the story and the 'big on re-use' aspect of the game I am more than willing to forgive knowing this had to be made in pretty much 1/3 the time of the abovementioned. And really, Skyrim (to me) is only a 1000 hour game for me because of the vastness and the high moddability of it. You know as well as I do that it's for damn sure not the stability or character depth that does the trick.
I've played this card many times already, but it is another reason why I use it yet again: Saints Row IV was a bit of a rushed product, mostly by THQ because they needed money, and then simply by Deep Silver because they already paid many millions for it and tossing out a by that time probably mostly complete product would just be bad business, especially since the buzz about it was already on the net.

That's no secret, but it turned out pretty well for a rushed product.

I mean, come on, SRTT came out at the end of '11, less than two years later you get SRIV, how can you expect magic to happen in that short of a timeframe? I'm already amazed they managed to do all of this in just that timeframe story wise.

The others had about the same development time. What differs is the way that time was used.

SR2 came out two years after SR1 AND for multiple platforms. It had a shitload of content but otherwise it was a poorly made game. Vehicle mechanics were horrible, gun mechanics were very basic, had a ton of bugs, inconsistent as hell, etc.

SR TT came out two years after SR2. But this time Volition focused on the game mechanics more and less on the content, and delivered a smaller but better game than it's predecessor.

SR IV on the other hand is pretty much the same thing as SR TT as far as game functions work so I'm not really sure what they've focused on...

The time between GTA IV and V is 5 years

That's only to build hype. GTA IV didn't give me the impression of a game that was developed for more than a year, and I have no reason to believe GTA V will.

There is 6 years between TES IV and V

That doesn't mean they've been working on Skyrim for 6 years. Let's not forget that 1. TES IV had a lot of DLC released after it, and 2. Bethesda also developed Fallout 3 in that time.

I do not lay the blame for this rushedness with Volition, they had their orders to comply with and I do praise them for what they managed to make of it. Lacking missions types, the lack of depth in various parts of the story and the 'big on re-use' aspect of the game I am more than willing to forgive knowing this had to be made in pretty much 1/3 the time of the abovementioned. And really, Skyrim (to me) is only a 1000 hour game for me because of the vastness and the high moddability of it. You know as well as I do that it's for damn sure not the stability or character depth that does the trick.

I would blame Volition for that. Sure, THQ was riding them hard, but after they were acquired by Deep Silver they could have delayed the game for another year or so. I just don't think that SR IV turned out that bad, so there's no real need to blame.
He was a bitch. He was destined to be killed from the start, good riddance.

Are you talking about yourself? Haha! Don't wanna sound like I'm threatening you, that only attracts IdolNinja. Hi IdolNinja!

Anyway, I can't believe you like how Carlos died, you know what? He's a lot better than Pierce so *censored*, I know, I know, ANYTHING is better than Pierce, doesn't mean I CAN'T replace Carlos for Pierce, can I?

At least Carlos doesn't whine and make stupid strategies. Poor kid was trying.
Are you talking about yourself? Haha! Don't wanna sound like I'm threatening you, that only attracts IdolNinja. Hi IdolNinja!

Anyway, I can't believe you like how Carlos died, you know what? He's a lot better than Pierce so *censored*, I know, I know, ANYTHING is better than Pierce, doesn't mean I CAN'T replace Carlos for Pierce, can I?

At least Carlos doesn't whine and make stupid strategies. Poor kid was trying.

EVERYBODY is a lot better than Pierce, that doesn't make Carlos any good. That's like saying that a pile of garbage is better than a pile of shit. Just cause it's better doesn't mean it isn't still a pile of garbage amrite?

Anyway you have a point.
I would love to see some DLC that adds some more superpowers (because you can never have enough). Superspeed has been one of my favorites since forever, so I'm really glad they added that. Some Superman-esque laser eye beams, flight, hell how about the ability to clone yourself? The only thing more badass than a superpowered gangster is TWO (or five!) superpowered gangsters.

Aside from that, I'd like to see some endgame content regarding what happens at the end (the "good" ending). I'd be up for some time traveling, I don't even care about the time. 50s Steelport again or even the 80s, bring it on.

Tommety said:
And really, Skyrim (to me) is only a 1000 hour game for me because of the vastness and the high moddability of it. You know as well as I do that it's for damn sure not the stability or character depth that does the trick.

Not to jump in someone else's conversation, but that last line made me laugh. Very true though.
There are more vehicles missing from SR IV than I thought. These are the ones that don't exist at all in the game:


Kayak (turned into Taxi, can't have decals removed, color channels are f***ed)
Mix Master
Saints Raider
Status Quo
Taxi (replaced by f***ed up Kayak)








Ultor Interceptor

Volition needs to release some new vehicles ASAP.
Not really, it is questioned why Keith was the first to be rescued, with an awkward moment telling you only one thing: that the reason given is not the actual reason. I know your reply wasn't to my post, but this is the sort of 'vagueries' I talked about. It's not really a plothole, but since it is pretty much the foundation on which the rest of the story is built it does make it feel weird, since it's not something you can 'obviously' rationalise yourself.
Maybe Kinzie and Keith have already lived through this adventure in an alternate time line and they came back in time to save the Boss too... ¬__¬ Nobody will know, lmao