DLC that YOU want to see

As inspired by the Share Your Character Picture thread, I would love to see a Film Noir spoof story DLC, with its own narration. Think of it like Mordin's voice entry in the Citadel DLC for Mass Effect 3. Most importantly, though, I would want to see it either have voices from all of the homies (which I suppose would be difficult), or at the very least the homies we haven't had any voice work from in the other story DLCs, like Johnny, Keith David, Benjamin King, etc.
Mass effect style armor
I think they might get sued by EA/Bioware for that. Also, they'd have to make a lot of different pieces for each category and that would take too long
A car pack. Like paint jobs, new colors (The car colors honestly kinda suck.), new body mods, and wheels. Doubtful, but maybe even a "Custom paint job" kit. Like. Create your own textures for cars; custom paint jobs.
playing SR2 again...I want to pry newpaper stands and candelabra off street sides and building again...and those epic melee combos and the gang fighting styles. oh and I want chest paddles weapon again and katana with those epic kill moves. okay that is my wish list XD pretty much SR2 melee and bladed combat for SRIV. I'll keep dreaming lol
I miss performing beatdowns...