This mod and my murderbot homies both use character.xtbl, unfortunately. It'd be pretty easy to make a version that supports both, but you'd probably need to delete one of the extra characters from this one to make room for the bots. The only conflict I see between this and Sandbox+ is the spawn_info_groups file, and you only need the SB+ version if you intend to use the "past gang spawning" command.
Eh... I tried to merge it with Miku Hatsune's Past Gangs Spawning Mod, but when I compared your mod files to original I saw that your files are formated in a different way. Could you write what changes did you do in character.xtbl and spawn_info_groups.xtbl? I would be really grateful.![]()
Get Notepad++ and a plugin called XML Tools, then open your two files, and at the top hit Plugins > XML Tools > Pretty Print + Linebreaks (or something similar). Do that for both files, save them both, then try comparing them both in Winmerge (or whatever program you're using).
Well I ain't no modder, that's for sure.I don't know, I haven't reviewed Idol's Sandbox+ yet. You should see if the files from both mods overlap each other.
Just one. Here's the entry:How much entries did you add for the Murderbots? After learning that there's a limit to the number of entries I had to cut down on the entries. My mod does have plenty of entries but apparently the limit is 36 additional entries.
<AI_Personality>gang offensive</AI_Personality>
<StreamCategory>Spawnable Saint</StreamCategory>
<behavior_override>Assault Bot</behavior_override>
<personality>gang offensive</personality>
Uuhhhmmm, how to do that exactly ? can u explain more plz ?
Download the program Notepad++ and Install it. Download the plugin XML Tools and open it with WinRar or 7-Zip, and extract everything inside there to your Notepad++'s plugin folder (Ex: C:\Program Files(x86)\Notepad++\Plugins). Run Notepad++ and open your file you want to merge. Click the top bar "Plugins" and select XML Tools > Pretty Print (XML only with line breaks ), Let it work (Should take some time). Save it, and redo the run Notepad++ through saving it on your second file you want to merge. Download Winmerge and open both files with winmerge. You should see at the top on the right a bit, two bars, one Orange and one Red, with an arrow pointing from one to the other, that arrow determines what data/values/text will overwrite from which document. After that, save it, and both the files should be identical, Use either one for Saints.
Pretty sure there's a tutorial around here somewhere, but that's the jist of it. (If you have any more questions, message me, I don't want to flood this thread with off-topic help)